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Publishers Clearing House

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Publishers Clearing House Reports & Reviews (1663)

- Redding, CA, USA

i got paper work on sep18 2017 and there was a check with it and it was for 7,897.00 and they said when i deposit it and they would come to me and give me the rest which was 550,000.i call the bank and they could not find the check at all.they gave me a claims manager Elizabeth Jones the tel 1-647-928-9644 or victor Anderson security code pch-4284. i am handicap person with a walker.i would like to know what is going to happen.

Victim was contacted by a Bruce Peterson from Publishers Clearing house saying he won $800,000. Victim said he was told it would cost him $400 to collect the winnings, and it would be paid when check was delivered in person to his home.

- Greenville, SC, USA

I won 1 million dollars, I have to give them 25,000 for taxes.

- Decatur, AL, USA

The guy called and said he was from publisher clearing house asked some questions about if I remember signing up and when I said Yea a long time ago they hung up.

- Murfreesboro, TN, USA

Scammer stated I had one 2nd prize of $975,000. $900,00 in certified check and $75 as a regular check and a 2017 Mercedes Benz. I had to go to Walmart and get a money gram for $399 for delivery fee. Gave prize number and package number. Stated he wanted to come to my house.

- Tucson, AZ, USA

A man giving his name as David Benjamin called and said I was the recipient of a Publisher Clearing House award of 8.8 million dollars and

a 2017 Mercedes Benz car. He kept telling me two men were on their way to deliver the award; I just had to give him my home address

which I did not.

A phone number was given to me to call to confirm all this: 876 569-5971 and a confirmation number: AQ 77USA. I asked how PCH

acquired my name and he just said I had entered a lottery (not true) and my name was picked. I hung up when he said there were a few

questions I would have to answer for him. When I asked him questions he would change the subject, i.e. reminding of me of award and

even asking what color car I preferred.

- Abbeville, LA, USA

I received a call at my place of business saying my phone number was given to them by at&t to win Publisher's Clearing House and I won the second place prize of 920,000.00 and a Mercedes all to be delivered to me today. The man on the phone referred to himself as Mr. Miller and he was in his 50's. I needed to get my prize insured so I needed to go to my local Wal-Mart or Western Union but to keep everything private and he would walk me through it over the phone. He said once I got to Wal-Mart that I needed to get a Money Gram in the amount of $492.00 made out to Emma T. Dacquel in Upper Marlboro, Maryland. He said this money would be refundable because with that Money Gram I would get a receipt but the people who would be bringing me my "prize" would need to see proof of the Money Gram and my registration (which would come after they received the money of course, "showing that I'm protecting my winnings") when I started questioning and prying for more information he then says "YOU ARENT OUR FIRST WINNER TODAY AND YOU WONT BE OUR LAST! I'm not FORCING you to be a better person and do this!" I told him I was not comfortable doing any of this and he then proceeded to hang up on me. I knew it was a scam but tried to get as much information so this jerk doesn't actually succeed in scamming money from someone uninformed.

- Tullahoma, TN, USA

Had a guy call and tell me he was from Publishers Clearing House and I had won 2.5 Million. Wanted to know if I wanted to accept the prize at my home in Tennessee or give it to charity. I hung up.

A person claiming to be John Perry has been calling our home from 876-817-3922, at times non stop for minutes at a time. The number he calls from is not a credible number. I called it when he left a message saying it was urgent to find out the nature of the call. He did not leave a number it's what shows up on all the missed calls. When he called again and I saw the same number I picked up to say stop calling. The questions that he was asking made me feel his calls were a part of a scam. Fortunately I interupted an earlier call from him as my mom was about to give him some personal information.

He claims our mother has won third prize in Publisher Clearing House for paying her bills on time for the last five years. Its difficult to hear him, the phone is distant or muffled. He wanted her to go to the closest Walmart and set up an account at Western Union in order to claim her prize. Of course we did not.

- Clear Lake, WI, USA

Caller claimed I won lots of money + a car. I was instructed to send $3400 in "fees" via money order or cashier's check to E. Carol Carr in Lowell, MA. Sounded way too fishy for me, so I hung up and called the BBB.  This is a jamaica area code and is a scam!

- Anchorage, AK, USA

Scam called! I told them that's not how Publisher's Clearing House works.

- Genesee, ID, USA

Someone by the name of DAVID SAWYERS, Badge #55386, from PUBLISHERS CLEARINGHOUSE called to inform me I'd won 2.5 million dollars and $1,000/day for life on Sunday, September17, 2017. He had me on the line writing information down, like the VP Deborah Holland and CEO Andrew Goldberg, 2.5 Million, $1,000/day for life and a BRAND NEW 2017 Mercedes Benz E Series in Silver....then he asked if I had a car and how close was the Western Union Office to me....I needed to go to get a REGISTERED RECEIPT for $205. The PRIZE PATROL was on it's way!! 35 minutes out!! When I told him I quickly looked up how Publisher's Clearinghouse really informs winners and this is NOT how they do it, he started to argue with me....I asked him "why are you scamming me?" He said I was free to hang up, which I did....then he called me back several times and one of the times, his number came through on the caller was 876-559-4567. I'm sure his name was a lie.

PLEASE DON'T FALL FOR THIS!!! PCH does NOT contact winners via's Cashier's Check or Prize Patrol ONLY!!!

Requested $772 to be sent to him to receive the 5.5 million dollars.

David Watson was the caller.

- Columbus, OH, USA

I am 81 years old. I've received four calls today from Publisher's Clearinghouse 775-360-3840. They asked me to send $700.00. Used the name David Sawyers. He said I had won a 2017 Mercedez Benz and 5 million dollars. He asked me if I lived alone. He knew where I lived. He knew how to spell my name. He told me to write down a confirmation number. He told me to go to FedEx.

- Haughton, LA, USA


Cooper and the GM was Michael Green asked to open

a new bank account for the money I won and pay the taxes and then the 1 million and new

car would be brought to me.

- Springfield, MO, USA

I received a call from *** *** that I won the big prize of $5,000 a week and a new Mercedes Benz with Publisher's Clearinghouse. I was told a woman named *** *** would come to the house with the big check. I was told to take out $250 or get a check for $250 from the bank for the IRS taxes. I was told a woman named *** *** in Goodman, Missouri would pick it up from me at the bank and I would need to prove I paid the $250 before they would come with the big check and my Mercedes. I realized this was a scam when I had to pay something to get the prize. *** *** became upset with me when I pointed this out and hung up on me. I called the police and informed them of what happened and that someone was to come to my home. They dispatched officers to sit at the top of my street. I was also able to get the police to call the number that had called me back and the guy answered cussing and fussing that he did not understand why the police were calling him.

- Washington, NC, USA

A man identified himself as David Moore of PCH. He insisted that I get paper and pen to write down the info about my winning $2.5 million. (I knew he was a scammer from the start, but I played along just to hear what he had to say.) He also gave me the name of the company attorney (John Church) and general manager (Mary Lee). Mr. Moore had a Spanish accent. He kept asking me how I felt about what he was telling me and I said skeptical each time. He said my winning number was (my cell phone number + US on the end) and my check number was 903314576US. He gave me a choice of how to receive the $2.5 million--with cameras, etc as on TV or privately. He said I would need my driver's license, a photo ID, my winning #, and a delivery claims receipt from Walmart with today's date. I was to go to the service desk at the local Walmart to obtain this. Of course there was a registration fee of $199.99. When he asked me for my address, I told him that anyone with a computer could find my address and that I didn't feel comfortable giving him my address if he didn't already know it and that I was ending the call. When I told him that I hoped he didn't find anyone else to fall for his scheme, he hung up on me. Later, I dialed his # back from my house phone just to see what would happen. His voice answered using another name (Robert Raymond) but still representing PCH. When he asked to whom he was speaking, I hung up.

- Hamptonville, NC, USA

Received a phone call on my home land line this morn around 9:30. They said they were from Publishers Clearing House and that I had won $225,000. He also said that I should have received a paper in the mail yesterday from PCH. He did not even ask who I was or whom he was speaking to. I do not play PCH, so I knew it was a scam. I told him I knew he was scamming me and to not call my home again.

- Kenai, AK, USA

I was called and told to go to Walmart to pay 1% of 1.5 million to collect the 1.5 million I was told its taxes the guy claimed he was andrew Goldberg from publishers clearing house

- Marsing, ID, USA

I received a call around 9:30 today from a lady with a distinct higher pitched voice that was enounciating each word almost as if she had a stroke. She introduced herself as Deborah Holland, executive VP of PCH. She kept repeating things and told me that through PCH, I had won $2.5 million + $10,000 per week per life and a 2017 Mercedes Benz Jeep. She told me that she was in Idaho and since it was a holiday today that I should take off tomorrow so they could come and deliver the prizes. She told me that the mayor already knew and would be there and I needed to call the person in charge to take tomorrow off. She was adamant about not texting but to call but I don't have the number to do so. When asked if this was real she kept saying that they could just reshuffle or give the winnings to charity. She sent me pictures of her and the vehicle and asked for pictures of me. I sent her some that were posted on FB and a selfie. She tells me to keep this from my husband, telling me that he should be surprised. After learning that he is home, she tells me to lie to him, after all, "we're millionaires" she also wanted to know when he left for work. While I am on the landline, I google her and see the same picture so I ask her to send me a picture of her today and all I get is stock photos. I have also called/texted a friend and she smells scam. "Deborah" keeps texting and calling leaving one message with her voice that I play against the VP on YouTube. Some similarities but differences as well. I don't answer any more calls or texts. She wants to know when we're leaving to get information to call to take off Tuesday and even asked if she could come to a volleyball game I told her I had to go to. She finally stopped trying to reach me around 11. Another friend had me look up the number and it was indeed a scam. Should I be concerned? The pictures are on a social network and she got no personal information from me but I still feel violated.

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