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Sharing is caring! Are you having problems with IRS? Use ScamPulse to file a complaint.

IRS Reports & Reviews (5102)

I supposedly have a tax fraud case against me. They want to help me. Was a recorded message but I called back and talked to a Mexican sounding man. He hung up on me when I said this is a scam and is on tv all the time warning people

They call from a restricted number. And left voice mail message that a warrant has been already issued for my arrest. Left a phone number called it back. The person told me he was from the IRS and my warrant was do to me not paying taxes in the past 5 years I asked him his name and he told me he was officer Steve Miller .IRm0187,Cp1013t when I told him I wanted to speak to his manager he hung up on me.

Received a call that left an automated message saying I needed to return the call to the IRS or there would be legal action against me. The call came from 509-570-1780 and showed Washington DC on my caller ID. The number they told me to call was a different number. They called 2 times now this morning. I know this is a scam as the IRS won't call me and I KNOW i don't owe any tax money.

I will report this to TIGTA too!

call month ago if dont call back in timely manner, will be sued. No call back. Another call this am & went to robot call

Received a computer generated message on my voicemail that this was a final warning that the IRS was filing a lawsuit against me and to call 805-509-7366. I know I don't owe anything and have never had prior notice, so it's definitely a scam. I did not call back.

- Hope Mills, NC, USA

Person indicates a pending law suit based on non-payment of back US taxes. Could not tell if real person or recorded auto-dial call. Was too short to figure out.

- Three Rivers, MA, USA

Recording left on VM telling me to call back an IRS agent when I did the only info I gave him was my name. He claimed I owed $500 to them and I needed to sent up a new gmail account to pay it. He would not allow me to go onto the IRS website to verify what he was claiming. He also stated they sent 2 certified notices to my home, which I did not receive. He had an accent and it was difficult to understand him. The connection on the phone was horrible as well. It may have been a cell phone he was using. He kept me on the phone for half an hour and when I called him out on this being a scam he threatened that 3 agents were on their way to my house with an arrest warrant.

- Lubbock, TX, USA

I have had three phone calls today from an automated voice saying that I owe back taxes and will be arrested. I am told to call back at ***. I have not called them back and do not intend to.

- Fort Wayne, IN, USA

Recorded message that states I owe the IRS and a lawsuit is being brought against me.

- Springfield, OH, USA

Telling me that I have a law suit against me from the I.R.S. I call them and when I start asking questions about the problem they disconnect. Then I call back and get a recording that number can not be reached at this time. I'm pretty sure the IRS will not contact me in this manner I think it will be by postal service if they need me.

I keep getting a call from 680-844-2563 telling me that I owe taxes and they are going to have me arrested.

Claims to be IRS bringing lawsuit

I received a phone call/vmm from 270-576-7261 (Glasgow, KY), the message went as follows:

The reason of this call is to inform you that the IRS is filing a lawsuit against you. To get more information about this case file, please call immediately 270-576-7261. Thank you.

I knew immediately that it was a scam because this is probably the 10th one I've received but all different telephone numbers. I called the number back and it took the person about 15 rings to pick up and then he was foreign and I'm almost 100% positive he was overseas. I specifically told him to take me off of his list and that I'm turning him in to as many federal agencies as I could and then I hung up.

I received a call from 347-394-1629 telling me that I needed to return the call immediately regarding an IRS tax collection issue. I called and the person stated his name was Stanis Brown, GS# 41520, DC#1811. He told me that an audit of my taxes had been conducted and that I owed in excess of $4K. Told me that I would be arrested if I didn't pay. Told me I had to either pay the amount before I hung up the phone or face legal and criminal charges.

The recorded message indicated that a lien would be put on my property and my bank account and someone would come to my home to serve a subpoena if I did not reply within 24 hours.

- Perkasie, PA, USA

I had two calls claiming to be the IRS which left me an automated message claiming that they were opening an official case against me after a number of attempts which I never received prior to these messages. Another red flag was both messages were automated. I did attempt to call the first number back prior to the second message and an individual answered that was less than helpful; requesting information (name and address) from me before even giving me any information. I had to ask for his name, he did not speak english well, and I ended up hanging up on him before giving him my social.

- Somerville, MA, USA

Called stating they were IRS asking for an outstanding debt.

left message I owe money and they would go forward and sue me for money if call not returned,

my 15 year old son got same calls

- Davidson, NC, USA

Received 2 robo calls from IRS requesting a return call.

I have received 3 IRS recordings: two identical recordings, stating this is the IRS, and IRS agent is waiting for your call back immediately Ph # given is 315-913-0068. The third recording was IRS hotline to call agent back @ 951-552-7785. I only listened to the messages and did not act on them.

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