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IRS Reports & Reviews (5102)

- Memphis, TN, USA

I received several calls from someone stating they're with the IRS & I owe them money.

Person called twice to say the the IRS was suing me. Their phone number was 1-562-716-7009.

I have received several calls from someone saying I owe back taxes.

I have received calls from numerous numbers stating they were the IRS or that there was a warrant for my arrest for non payment of taxes. I did not call them back.

They said that this is the IRS and that I had a tax fraud on my taxes and to contact them right away at 855-890-4106

IRS filed arrest warrant againt me

I have been called hundreds of times, very aggressively, by a recorded voice, vaguely threatening, saying she is an IRS Sherriff and I need to call back to resolve this urgent matter concerning my taxes.

I understand it is a scam. I am concerned about people who don't understand.

The phone no is: ***.

I called the number, the voice was clearly *** ***, probably calling from India. I told him I had already reported them to the BBB. He started swearing. I hung up.

IRS says filing suit against us. Wants you to call 646-663-7229

Robo call saying the IRS is suing the recipient of the call

- Nashville, TN, USA

Received a phone message that I need to contact the above number 914-297-6412 because I had unpaid tax collections levied against me.

- Charlotte, NC, USA

Received a call stating the IRS is getting ready to sue you. If I do not take action today, there will be an action filed by the IRS

- Wichita Falls, TX, USA

phone call on cell phone that is on the Do not call list from area code 626 840 7967 stating the IRS is filing suit and demand that I call them back

at that number I did not call them back

- Rochester, NY, USA

IRS Final Notice The IRS has a lawsuit against you. This is your last opportunity to respond

Couldn't understand their broken English. He said he was IRS & they owe money and she said she was reporting him and called in.

They called my husband and left several voicemails that he needed to call back to this number 845 363 7555. They said they were the IRS and when he finally called a lady with an hindu accent was trying to tell him he needed to pay money he owed. She transfered him to her "supervisor" he was telling him he owed to the IRS an if not he would send a sheriff to his house to arrest him. He did not want tolet him off the phone said he needed to keep him on the line, he was trying to get him to kroger to wire some money. He finally got tired and hung up.

I received a call from the IRS that said they have a lawsuit against me and I only had a few hours to take care of this.

Robotic female voice stated it was the IRS calling, and to call or have your attorney call 818-665-7293 before the IRS takes action.

Caller ID showed "unknown" at the above phone number.

A call from the number 845-363-7555 from New York when I answered the call a recording started saying this is Bryan Snider from the IRS, please call me at the number given a warrant for my arrest and the business that I am involved with has been issued. Please call this number immediately!

They left a message saying they are the IRS and they are going to file a judgement against me and this is the last attempt they are going to make.

- Iowa City, IA, USA

I received a call from a man sounding like he grew up in India. He said he was from the IRS and I was being sued by the IRS and have criminal charges against me. He stated his name was Ben Johnson. I asked that official forms be mailed to me, which of course he could not do. I asked his ID number and he said it was IRM1050. I asked where he was located and he stated Washington DC. He did give me a Claim ID and stated that I owed $3842 from 2015. If I did not take care of this within 30 minutes of the call ending, the police would come and put me in jail for 72 hours. It was very scary even though I knew I did not owe any taxes from 2015. He continued to say things like if I wanted I could hang up and I would be taken to jail because of the criminal charges against me. I put more pressure on him to send me documentation, and he hung up on me.

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