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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER

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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER Reports & Reviews (1072)

I received a voice message on my phone stating that the IRS has been trying to get in touch with me about a lawsuit they will be filing against me, and this is my final call. They left the number 646-564-9359 to call them back.

phone call telling me to contact their office before close of business today April 12,2016. I had two phone calls yesterday April 11,2016 stating the same. the phone number is 347-584-8649

I received a phone call that was a recording stating a persons name that said they were from the IRS. It said I should call back immediately because I owed taxes and a sheriff would be coming to the door to take me to jail. I hung up.

Consumer received a call stating that they were delinquent on their tax's and requested a payment. Consumer received the second call stating that they had a warrant our for their arrest if they didn't they didn't return a call. Caller had broken English.

received 2 phone calls from different numbers that I did not answer but was left with voice mail messages saying I was being investigated by the IRS and needed to call a certain phone number. I did not respond to either of the messages and blocked the phone numbers.

I got a phone call from the following number 681-422-1765 stating that the IRS is suing me. I have never got any correspondence from the IRS in any form. I tried calling the number back only to be hung up after I asked for their information..

IRS threatening to arrest me for intentionally defrauding them and requesting payment within two hours.

Last Thursday I received 2 calls on my cell phone from "supposedly the IRS" saying I owe money and it needs to be paid immediately. They left 2 messages on my cellphone. The phone number is 202-213-1201 (Washington D.C.)

Received a call on my cell phone from (202) 304-9107 telling me the call would be recorded and I would be arrested within 2 hours if I did not pay $5000.00. Claimed they were from IRS and this amount was taxes due between 2008 and 2014.

- Blackfoot, ID, USA

Getting Calls from 206-539-4993 / 5 times Today , When I answer I get a recording the IRS is suing me and I need to call the number. above. If I let it go to V.M , I get a message to call the same number. I called back to confront the scammer twice, they hung up on me the 1st time and ask me to let them do their job the 2nd time. I hung up on them at that point, I let it go to V.M. the other 3 times

- Caldwell, ID, USA

I received a phone call on 5/03/16 at 7:47 am.. I ignored the call, the message left stated that the irs was suing me and this was the final notice and I needed to call this number 202-341- 1712

- Eagle, ID, USA

5/3/16: Just FYI: Received a recorded phone call this morning at 8:20 AM claiming to be IRS and that they were about to file a lawsuit (or charges, or something) against me. I was instructed to call. I believe the number in the message was the same as what appeared on my caller ID: 812-703-0327.

Interestingly, I just retired and have also filed and very recently been approved for Social Security. Guess that qualifies me as a "Senior", Damn!

- Dayton, OH, USA

Received 2 calls this morning from someone claiming to be the IRS. Said they were filing a suit against us. Asked that we call them back for information.

- Rochester, NY, USA

I received a phone call from 1-206-539-4993. They left a message that the irs was taking me to court. When I called back and asked for their ID number they hung up on me.

- Avon, NY, USA

Last attempt to contact me. IRS to file law suit. Call 786 358 0960 ASAP.

- Idaho Falls, ID, USA

The caller identified themselves as coming from the IRS and that we owed them $900.

The phone number they gave us to call was 202-239-1947. When I asked what my social security number was they hung up.

- Ixonia, WI, USA

IRS is going to sue me. Called them back at 212.960.3904. Obviously foreign person answered. I told him if this is about my taxes, I will give his phone number to my tax attorney who will call him back. The guy got nervous and said don't give him any attorney! But he proceeded to tell me my name and address. I did not give him that information. This is very frightening. And he keeps calling back even though I told him not to call amy more.

What can you do about this kind of call?

- Shreveport, LA, USA

There was a voice mail stating that my account was turned over to them concerning tax fraud. The recording said I needed to call a certain number before I'm arrested for tax fraud or before legal suit is brought against me.

- Hagerstown, MD, USA

Received a phone call from phone # 202-552-6659. Message stated you are about to be sued by the IRS. It is very important that you contact us as soon as possible.This might not be exactly what the message said but that basically what it said. I called back the woman said she had badge # ( she said about 5 numbers, I don't remember what they were), but never identified herself as IRS). When I stated that the IRS doesn't contact you by phone about anything she hung up.

- Boise, ID, USA

they told me that a federal arrest warrant was going to be put out for me , if I didn't pay 50% of 1850.00 the phone number I got the call from was 18443957947

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