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Radiant Revive

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Radiant Revive Reports & Reviews (94)

- Ventura, CA, USA

An offer for an introductory trial of a face cream and eye cream for $7.95 plus $4.95 shipping. I was charged and did receive the items (junk) but after two weeks was notified of $89.95 charge for my next order. I called to cancel, close my account but they said it was in the terms and agreements that I was obligated to pay the next charge. After much haggling, threatening, asking for supervisor, etc. they offered 30% back, then 50% back, then 70% back. I said no, I received nothing other than the intro. items I paid for and canceled before the next shipment was sent out. They finally said they’d refund 100% back in 5-7 business days. I will be watching to see that they do. Such a scam. I can’t believe I fell for it. I wanted to report them and to them on notice and to get them shut down.

Was offered a free trial for a $5 shipping charge. They ultimately signed me up, without my approval, to automatically charge my credit card for $89.95 a month. That happened 2 months in a row. They refused to refund my money and never even sent the product for the 2nd charge of $89.95. When I called to cancel, their support staff were very rude and could care less. They just yes you to death and do absolutely nothing. I had to notify my credit card company to decline any further charges from them and asked them to look into getting me a refund in full.

Their product and practices are a total scam. BEWARE!!!

The ads for this cream pop up on the side verified store websites, like Macy's. They link you to a health website they created that tells you about the (scam) products. Do not click on any ads ever, it is never safe. They offer you a free trial and then say there is a separate option to sign up for a monthly subscription. But any products you purchase will automatically sign you up for a subscription, and then they will charge you card and send you more products. Except this time, non free trial products are double the price and non-refundable.


Purchased Radiant Revive skin care products after seeing online ad that products were endorsed by Kate Middleton and Dr Oz. Online offer was free face/eye cream for first few individuals who ordered pay only shipping/handling. I received product and had an allergic reaction. I went online to see to see if anyone else had reported allergies or skin sensitivity after using product and realized there were others who had "issues" with Radiant Revive. I then receive an auto shipment from Radiant Revive. I never signed up for nor was there any mention of auto shipment in RR's ad. After MANY phone calls I was able to cancel my auto shipping with RR and get 35% of monies refunded to me. RR has no return policy so even though I had an adverse reaction from their products and couldn't use products and products were sealed in original packaging, no returns. They don't acknowledge fake advertising i.e Dr.Oz/Kate Middleton. They don't respond when confronted with auto shipments, nothing in the ad mentioned auto shipments. My bank recommended reissuing new debit card (5-7 days without!). There are too many complaints about this Company, my experience is not a one-off. I am $120 dollars poorer RR is laughing all the way to the bank.

Pop-up on I-pad. Miracle cream for aging skin. Used Kathie Lee Gifford's name and photo as being her company. I ordered a "sample size" and paid $4.95. Product arrived and after a week-no visible results. I received another order in the mail and called company to let them know to cancel further shipments and then I find out they have charged my card $66.35 and $53.97. I asked them to re-apply those amounts to my debit card and they said they don't do that and I cant even send this new order back to warehouse because they will not accept it. I explained the package has not even been opened but she said they don't give or except returns. I am sure that Kathie Lee would be appalled if she knew this was going on in her name. I am retired on a VERY fixed income and can't afford these charges and I have learned my lesson as to buying on-line. Food will have to take a back burner to this "miracle cream" this month.

- Brooklyn, NY, USA

Skimming Yahoo news online on 7/23/18, I saw an ad for skin cream endorsed by Kathy Lee Gifford, with supporting comments from Barbara Walters and Ellen DeGeneres. I clicked on the ad and decided to try a sample of the facial cream called Repair and Release Cream for $4.95 from the online company Radiant Revive. When I went to purchase the item, the website jumped to add a Bright Eyes Serum ($4.90) and express shipping, bringing the total to $12 and change. I received immediate email confirmation of both purchases and was notified a day or two later when the items were shipped. Upon receipt of the items, I had to use a magnifying glass to read the ingredients. I did not use the products because I felt the website "forced" me to purchase an item I did not want and added express shipping; I also did not like the fact that the ingredients were so difficult to read. On August 6, I received an email notifying me I should expect a shipment of the facial cream costing $89; a similar email came in on August 7 about the eye serum shipment costing $88. I immediately called the company and was told I had 14 days in which to cancel after receiving the trial products. I would have done this if I had ever seen anything to this effect on the website. I informed the person at Radiant Revive that this was a scam and that I was reporting the company to the; I also said that I was calling my credit card company, Chase VISA to stop payment. Chase followed up immediately and put a block on all future charges from the company and sent me to their disputes agent who spoke with me on three occasions about the problem. Following my call to the company, I received two emails a day or two later indicating that my subscription was cancelled and no current or future charges would be incurred. Radiant Revive has false advertising and uses a website scam to get people to use its products. This company should be shut down immediately to protect consumers.

This company offers a free trial of product online and on social media when you do it they charge the card that you give for the free trial shipping fee only that was part of the offer, instead they charge you monthly full price for their product and will continue to charge unless you call and cancel which took an hour to finally get a person on the line. TOTAL CRIMINALS THESE PEOPLE NEED TO BE STOPPED.

I ordered 2 creams from Radiant Revive on July 2nd, 2018. Once I received the product, I called them to cancel my account. The customer representative told me I would be charged a restocking fee if I canceled before August 16, 2018. But my card was charged twice for $90 on July 18 and July 19th. I called them again and First they said they can only refund me 25% of the charges. Then finally after talking to the manager, they told me they will give me a full refund and will cancel my account. But again I was charged $90 today, August 6th. I have called them multiple times so far. Every time I have called they have given me different information. I just want to warn them that this is a fraud company who keeps on charging without any authorization.

- Houston, TX, USA

This organization is a scam. They advertise through marketing advertisement for a sample product costing 4.95. NOWHERE on the marketing or anywhere during the checkout process for the sample (I reviewed it carefully) does it say that you are enrolled in a monthly automatic charge for the product. Nor does it tell you that part of the charge is to charge you a monthly charge of 4.95 for discounts elsewhere. (I have no idea nor was I ever provided information for what these "discounts" encompass. Even their website does not mention this charge or what the discounts are. Tried repeatedly to reach someone on their 800 number and could never get through. When someone finally did call me - I was told that I agreed to this when I accepted the sample. I verified that nowhere on the site I used was there anything mentioning a monthly subscription.

Also just to mention - the product is worthless!!!!!! Absolute garbage.

AVOID AVOID AVOID. This site and product should be shut down and everyone they ripped off should be refunded in full.

Radiant Revive Skin Care promoted by Lara Spencer of ABC. Scammers are using her

Name ,etc to defraud. Offer is free trial only! Then begin billing credit card in 14 days with full charge of a monthly product. Spencer is now warning about this fraud.

There was nothing on the original site (the Scam Website) to subscribe or to Decline to subscribe. No information about Privacy or Terms or Agreements.

I sent for a free sample of Radiant Revive anti-age cream and the bright eyes serum. I was only to be charged for shipping. They made unauthorized charges of $89.95 for the anti age cream and $88.47 for the eye serum. I would like a refund of these charges.

- Colfax, NC, USA

Many others have had a similar experience, so I won't go into detail. I replied online to what was offered as a FREE trial sample of a skincare product. When I received the package, it was not a sample but the product itself. There was no information about the terms of the free trial, and that I would be billed full price (about $90) for each of the two products if I didn't respond back within 14 days of the offer to cancel. This, apparently, was in the "fine" print of terms and conditions. I never saw ANY terms and conditions when I elected to the free trial. When I saw these charges on my credit card, I called the customer service number and was told I could NOT return the products for a refund. (I never used the products and still have the original package in which they came.) Then yesterday the mailman delivered two boxes. I have not opened them. I called back customer service and was told I am in a "subscription service" and cannot return these products as well. I did CANCEL any further deliveries, but they would not refund my money for this delivery. I have called my credit card company. They say they can't do anything to refund these charges. I now have two cancellation numbers, so hopefully I will not be charged for any future products. The advertising using celebrities as endorsers is fake. They use this tactic to get you to receive the free trial product. Customer service has sent me to several websites which don't work. One had the line item FORBIDDEN. This is definitely a scam. I want this company shut down so others are not taken advantage of. I am also contacting the NC Department t of Justice.

On July 4, 2018 I saw an ad for Radiant Revive face cream that looked promising. They advertised a free trial sample. I signed up for the free trial for a face cream and eye cream sample and paid for the shipping using my credit card and not knowing that I needed to cancel my account with them within 14 days or else they would continue to bill my credit card for ongoing shipments.

The ongoing charges information is NOT posted clearly on the website. On July 19,2018 my credit card statement showed charges for $176 for these two products. I called their customer service number and a representative there went through 3 offers of refunds - first a standard 35% refund offer, then his "employee discount" 50% refund offer and finally getting "supervisor approval" for a 75% refund offer. Looking at their Facebook page I see that this is their standard bait and switch process. I agreed to the 75% refund and will be filing a dispute for the remaining amount with my credit card company. This is not a free trial and while I did not read carefully enough, the company should be forced to clearly post in large type that ongoing charges will begin in 14 days. Since they are holding our credit card numbers hostage Radiant Revive is essentially banking on collecting their 25% of the original phony charge.

THIS IS A SCAM. still active right now. Do not sucker on Celebrity adds!

On June 7, 2018 I responded to an online add for a free sample of face cream. Only pay $4.90 shipping. So I ordered it for my wife. When I began paying for it another free sample item had been added, an eye cream. $4.95 Shipping. So I thought OK, why not. It's only a few dollars. (They billed an additional $2.49 on that date. Reason unknown.) On 6/21, fourteen days later, I was billed $89.95 and the next day an additional $88.47. Apparently They had split my request for two free samples into two separate and continuing orders for each product. Unfortunately I have paid my credit card bill. On a call to their customer service number I was informed of the the terms of my order required that I had to cancel my account within 14 days to prevent the company from continuing to ship and bill products. Ms Williams advised me that Returns for credit are not allowed, per company policy. I had not seen or been informed of this policy. I did not open an account with Radiant Revive, I had merely ordered two free samples of cosmetics.

- Galloway, OH, USA

I had THOUGHT that I was getting a free trial and just paying shipping. They then took almost $90.00 ($89.95) out of my account. I called and told them that I did NOT approve this. After many offers from them and threats of not getting my money back if I went through the dispute. I stupidly desperately accepted the 75% off! I am however going to the BBB and filing a complaint!!! Do not buy from Radiant Revive they are thieves and they are snakes that prey on unknowing customers.

- Visalia, CA, USA

While surfing the net, I can across an ad for Radiant Revive Bright Eyes serum. It offered a sample for only $4.95. I read the ad, seemed interesting and so I ordered it. It did request my credit card number so that they could bill for the product and shipping. After some time, I received a plain brown box with no name, only a street address and city and State. I opened it and found a small container of of the Bright Eyes serum. That night, I tried it. It was yucky! Glad I didn't pay more that $5.00 for it. Then, about a month later, I received another brown box and this one contained the Bright Eyes serum and then another brown box from the same address. This one contained Bright eyes serum. Shortly afterwards, my husband and I went on vacation. When we got home, there were 2 more boxes. In all, I received 6 boxes, each containing one item with a separate jar, invoice and shipping charge. I was charged $89.95 each for 3 boxes and $88.47 each for 4 boxes. I visited BBB, filed out a form and then contacted my bank. My bank took the information and opened a dispute. The bank has now said the dispute is resolved and has credited my account for $623.73. My bank has taken the hit for this scam.

I contacted Radiant Revel 4 times. Three times by phone (and the number is hard to find) and once by email. I had absolutely no success in returning the product. When I asked one of the customer service reps about returning the products, she just laughed and said. "we don't do that". However, buried in their "contract" was information about how to return the product. But she would not give me a return number or acknowledge that I could return it.

Radiant Revive charged $89.95 to my debit card 2 weeks after charging me $4.95 for the "free product, just pay shipping". No where on the site did it talk about a recurring charge or after the trial there would be any charges. Have tried finding the original ad but it has been removed. I have contested this charge on my account.

- Navarre, FL, USA

Will not issue refunds or accept returns. Have taken $800 from me and will not refund any of it. Extremely poor and shady business practice with no care nor concern from anyone there.

Do not purchase anything from radiant Revive. This company is misleading and will automatically charge your bank account for additional products then not give you a refund. I lost $90 on one ounce of face cream!

Radiant Revive is a line of products that is sponsored by Lara Spenser formerly from Good Morning America. Radiant Revive offered 2 products for a marketing move, no charge for the product, but a small charge for shipping and handling. I ordered the trial sample. I received the trial product a week or two later. Didn't think anything more about it. In June, we had four (4) charges of $89.00 (approx) in a row from them. I called their customer service number as soon as I saw the charges. I was told by a customer service rep that I was charged for the original product because they have a policy of taking a credit card and doing recurring charges unless you call them within the first 2 weeks after the order is placed and terminate the order. This was apparently in some "fine print" somewhere that I did not see, so she told me that it was my fault. I told her I did not want the product and I wanted my money back. She refused to return the $360.00 they took from my account. I only received one set of products from this scam company but they charged me full price for the initial sample and never received the second set of products that they were supposedly charging me for - again. She would not let me speak with her supervisor. I had to argue with her to close out the account. She had the gall to say she would give me some kind of discount for future purchases -- what!! I contacted the bank immediately to stop any further payments to this company. I am a careful shopper on-line. I read everything. I did not agree to anything when I ordered this and would not have ordered it if I thought there was any possibility of recurring charges. This is a very questionable business at best.

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