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Social Security Administration Imposter

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Social Security Administration Imposter Reports & Reviews (447)

- Bedford, OH, USA • Jul 22, 2024

I received a call from someone claiming to be from the Social Security Administration. She said my SSN was compromised in El Paso, TX and they needed permission to terminate my SSN. I asked for a name and a phone number to call back and she hung up on me. When I tried to call the number back it was not a working number.

- Roanoke, VA, USA • Dec 11, 2023

I receved four calls yesterday from two individuals who claimed to work for the Social Security Administration.  They called and asked for a different person and when I told them they had the wrong number they asked my name and told me I would be getting $460 added to my benefits check.  They started to ask me personal questions, like my name and how much I was getting for my benefits.  

- Cleveland, OH, USA

I received a phone call on my cell phone from 800-321-2312 Unknown number. I did not answer. They did not leave a message. I looked online. I located on Google Robokiller have been receiving spam calls from this number claiming to be Social Security. I don't want to call the number back. I would think they would send a letter. I keep the Better Business Bureau number handy to report things.

Someone called me claiming to be from SSA, saying that my social security card was compromised and they wanted me to talk to someone else to give them my social security number but I hung up immediately.

they pretended to work for the social security administration, telling me i was suppose to b getting over 300 dollars increase on my check, wanted to know if i wanted to give them my personal info or in person at social security office, when i told them i was going to contact my local social security office they hung up

- Elliston, VA, USA

I recieved an email from the Social Security Administration stating my social security number has been compromised and deactivated. There was a link to click on to get contact information for the support team. I could not see the email address, it just said the email does not accept return emails. 

- Chicago, IL, USA

The scammer called my phone and pretend to be from Social Security Administration. I missed the call and call back and they introduced as SSA and I clearly told them they had no reason to contact me and they used vulgar language and hung up on me.

Called the house phone. (808()668-2541 ask my elderly stepmother for her SSI number to send her a new card. Step daughter stopped her from giving her private information away.

I received a call from someone claiming that they were with the Social Security Administration and that my ID compromised. They said that my ID was being used for illegal reasons and fraud in Texas, and that this call could help me if I pressed 1. I figured it was a scam, but I pressed 1 to see what they had to say. They claimed they were with SSA in Anchorage and said they were gonna close my SSN and they were notified by the sheriff's dept. I asked them why they notified the sheriff and not me, then I kept asking more questions and they ended up hanging up on me.

I keep receiving calls on my cell phone claiming to be from Social Security Administration. Regarding Social Security Disability. I already have it. They said I am eligible for money. All I have to do is answer yes or no to a series of questions. They are trying t get me to say yes or no. I hang up before they can ask. They call from any different phone numbers. I don't have the numbers. They call from area code 888. Today is was 216 area code. They keep calling.



I had a weird call that claimed to want to give me benefits from SSI and they wanted me to verify my information but I wouldn't give them information. They kept trying to say I was the previous owner of my cell number.

I had an experience similar to Mr. Patel here ( />
I was on my way back from the DC area yesterday, crossing the TSA lines when my cell phone rang, saying it was from the US Customs and Border Protection. I mis-hung up the first time (I picked up, and then hung up the phone), which caused the other party to call again, (flag (or mistake) #1, dont pick up these calls).
A US CBP caller while I am in the TSA check area caused my normal defenses to be lowered.
The caller identified themselves by their full name (flag #2, these agencies and companies will usually only give you their first name and badge number).
The caller (Rose Johnson) gave me an impressive case number (X9619258) said they were with Dept of Homeland Security, working on a referral from the FTC (Flag #3, I don't believe agencies share information/contacts in this manner). Apparently some perp had stolen my SSN, DL, passport, and she was going to make an appointment for me at the SSN to proceed further.
She said I could call the FTC to confirm the case number with updates (flag #4, the FTC doesn't work this way, you can report, but their is no general easy number that I am aware of for this kind of reverse data feedback)
She said the perp had travelled to places like afghanistan and syria using my passport (flag #4, if this had truly occurred, given my sceptic nature, I expect the FBI and police to be knocking my door down, not offering assistance).
She said the perp had opened bank accounts in my name (she cited 3 banks and said the last 4 digts on these accounts were ... , ..., ... ) and had used these accounts to launder millions of dollars.
Flag #5, her command of english was poor at best. Common idioms had her confused. She asked why I was being tough on her, she was trying to help, and when I said ``you had "cold-called" me, with this information'', she did not understand it. She asked me to explain twice and started telling me odd things. When I asked her to "bear with me", she got upset again.
Apart for the time and place of the call (US CBP calling when I am in a TSA checkpoint), one of the banks she cited, I do have a relationship with, and that account misbehaved at that very moment, the password did not work, etc and there was some odd factors on that account.
Steps I took:
Got home checked my credit reports.
Reached into the bank account, first changed the password and cleaned up the profile somewhat.
called the bank to find out business hours for the fraud dept, called and worked with that dept in their business hours to clean up the state; also put a watch for all activity on it.
filed a report with
My credit bureaus are frozen as well, as others have suggested.

She did call again, and where yesterday, she said she was in DC too when I said I was boarding a flight there, today she said was in boston. I made polite conversation by asking how the weather was in boston, she told me she was in DHS, and to call the temprature dept or weather dept for that...when I pressed if it rained on her way to work, she hung up...funnest call I ever had

I reported a scam phone call I received on February 7th or 8th from Social Security. Now I received a letter in the mail from Social Security I feel is a scam. The letter states we have attempted to reach you by phone. We need to speak with you. Contact us immediately. The letter has a fake looking stamped emblem. Letter states to call or visit a local Social Security office regarding my Social Security numbers. When they called they said it shows I have two Social Security numbers. They wanted to verify my number. I refused. I don't give my personal information. There is no phone number for Social Security on the mailing. The address for Social Security on the mailing is 15250 South Waterloo Rd. Cleveland OH 44103

I just received a call on my home phone from Social Security. I do not have the phone number that called. I don't have caller ID. The caller said they were from Social Security. They have two Social Security numbers for me. She wanted me to verify my Social Security number. I refused. When I questioned her she hung up. I know Social Security does not call. They would send a letter.

I got a call from Jennifer L Walker with Social Security Administration. She told me to Google Jennifer L Walker. I found her website. She gave me a case number at191739 and her Id number 157240. She said my Social Security number had been used to rent a car in Texas and my name had come up in a money laundering scheme. She transferred me to a man who I could barely understand. He had my children's names, prior addresses etc. He said he was going to work on a warrant. I said it was a scam. He said if I thought it was a scam, why was I wasting his time and hung up.

Got a text message at 11:38 am 10/13/21 that said, "WARNING: Hi this is serious notice from the head quarters office of the Social Security Administration, your Social Security number has been compromised and getting suspended today please contact us at +1(701)-666-2674 immediately i repeat +1(701)-666-2674 thank you."

Told me I was part of money laundering scheme. And I was gonna be arrested

2 Voice mails (robotoic woman) to get in touch with (843-) 960-8546 regarding current seating of my "case" and deployment 003S9.. The message stated to contact as soon as possible for further proceedings and call them back at the above number so they may take necessary directions for proof of satisfactory .. then the phone number listed again. In total listed 3 times in messages.

- Mishawaka, IN, USA

I received a call from (843)960-8546 at 12:06 PM. A recording started about "the proceeding, and the need to take action for necessary proof of satisfaction". I hung up. I later called the number back, and the phone was answered as "Social Security Administration" by an individual with an Indian or Pakistani accent. I hung up without any conversation. At 3:35 PM I received a call from (843)960-8634. I did not answer the call, but a voicemail was left with basically the same message I indicated above. I don't know what the nature of the scam was since I did not have any direct conversations.

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