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ChristGEO Reports & Reviews (61)

To start my review I will go into some of the basic, really a top notch service, all christian based, great music, with a variety of christian music genres, lots of features and also some great christian programs that were really nice to listen to. beyond listening to standard music I would tune into multiple shows, Pastors, Sports programs and overall educational programs all centered in Christianity. Very difficult to find these days and very difficult to see done well. I wont say the service was up there with a secular service, but it surely gave you the uplift you may need during these crazy days we live in. I am a big Gospel fan and have been since I was a child. I used to listen to Gospel music with my mom, So gospel music reminds me of her but also give me the confidence and faith exactly when I need it.

Music is a very powerful thing, as we all know it can aid to our anger, sadness, happiness, etc. Definitely a tool that when used with discipline can play an important role in uplifting us when we need that extra something that we may not be getting elsewhere. For me the last few years has been extremely damaging personally with a lot of loss with loved ones and really living in a very different world, filled with masks, fear, boundaries, and just outright things we have never seen. These changes have been a serious effect on many peoples lives, especially mine. Getting out of your routine and being confined has not been good for me, it took me a substantial amount of time just to break out of it. During the last few months I contribute some of these amazing christian artists to thank for helping lift me out of my without a doubt depression. A depression i thought would break me. However with the inspiration and love of our fellow christian brothers that have been so gifted with the ability to sing such amazing music has helped me recover and regain focus. While I am surely thankful for the artists and their music, I am also thanks the company as it has allowed me access, and also guidance to some of the best christian artists of today and yesterday. I truly hope just like others that the service is not gone but just revamping. If you guys are gone, I very much wanted to voice my opinion in an extremely positive way, as your service has had an impact that will be surely missed. Sure i can locate these through youtube, but it feels so right to be part of a christian family that is focused on the Lord and keeping our lives rooted in Christ.

I am presently overseas and have extremely limited options for great Christian music. This service has been spot on with most all of my favorites. I really hope you guys are coming back as this was what I streamed like the majority of the day. I work remotely and have kept this playing in the background to give me the uplift that I so need. I am presently away from my family which has been extremely difficult to say the least, however I really have had no choice but to do what I have to do work wise. Both myself and my wife actively have been using the service for streaming. I hope you guys are reading this as service was very good, quality perfect never as issue. I love the fact of being able to go back and forth between different Christian Genres, and mix things up. In addition all the pre made playlists were amazing. Like they were created just for me. Inspiration, energizing and some of the best Christian music has to offer.

On that same note, if someone is not familiar with how far Christian music has come, it is amazing, you can go from cool rock, Rap, Hip Hop, Praise, Worship , Gospel etc. The selection is not what is was in the past. The artists really have talent with no need to listen to standard secular music.

As every Christian knows life can throw a lot of curve balls and emotionally we don't always know what God is doing. Of course these are the times we have to trust and believe that God has us in the palm of his hand.

Difficult to say the least when you feel like all hell is breaking loose around you. It has been a very difficult last 4 months for me and my family. I have surely been pressed to point that I thought I would break. However even through the craziness God has away of truly taking what was meant for our harm and turning into into something for our advantage. I want to repeat this is extremely difficult when you are in the middle of crazy town. Every time I am pushed and think I can not handle anymore I realize I can, I grow and become even a better person individually and for my family.

I want to make sure the team behind this company knows what an impact your service has meant to me. It has been my saving grace at the worst possible times in my life. I hope the service comes back as it has surely made a deep impact on me and has helped me through some dark times.

To add one additional note, besides the music I started listening to a sports program that was run by a Dad and his children. Was cool to listen to, not something you would expect, but was very informing and funny how the family worked together. I did not listen to mush of the services other programs as I am more of a music listener than anything.


Been a user now for sometime, but it seems the service is either being revamped or taken down, I hope not taken down as this has been great for me. I used to use the service all the time. Way to work, way home from work, at home I have my computer blue tooth hooked up to my stereo. I would be very disappointed if they didn't stick around. The service has all of my favorites, hugh elevation worship fan, but they also had all the new artists. What I liked most it the Christian music was categorized into different types of Christian music, like praise or worship, top hits etc. Would flip back and forth and when I was in a praise mind frame would put some good praise music on, or when that country feeling came to me would switch and listen. All in all when the service was up I would give them high ratings, quality was great, and was very easy to use. Clearly as a Christian I would like to support anything that is trying to help some of these good tunes be heard by more people.

I have been battling some health issues over the last few years that has really brought me to my knees. It is hard to stay focused or up beat when the world seems to be crashing down on you. Life is short in this world and we always need to remember who we are and who's we are. We are children of the most high God and as people we are imperfect. Thus we need to remember and put ourselves around people, or entertainment that continues to remind us of these things. Listening to amazing christian music helps me through my struggles, and gives me that boost when I need it most. I am surely not perfect by any means but try my best to live a life that is trying at least to be more Christ like. I fall short always, but I will keep getting back up and trying again.

When you are given bad news about your health and you realize you have to trust in God whether we have days to live or many years. We have to live everyday to the best of our ability and know that when we are done with this world their is a better place with our father.

Lord forgive me for my sins, I take you as my Lord and savior. Something I say often as I keep stumbling.

So for all the people who need hope, I say, continue to spend that quality time with God, continue to dedicate time in which you can praise him and glorify him. Spend time in the word as those words are healing to our bodies and minds.

I pray that good Christians can come together and continue to support similiar Christian musicians and entertainers. because if we don't who will. It is one things to put a few dollars in the collections on service on sunday, but to live everyday focused on the lord is needed and essential to not just speaking about the word or telling others about it, but living it, breathing it and being an example for others.

I say these things as I see a society that is broken, focused on all the wrong things, money, sex, drugs, alcohol etc. A society that is filled with music and different forms of entertainment that is troubling and dangerous to be obsorbed by our minds on a daily basis. Not to mention that children are growing up watching this type of entertainment that is filled with witchcraft and every type of negative thing you can imagine. Movies teach kids that lying is ok, that being bad is ok, the being selfish is ok, What has happened to our world and how has it become so broken. The older I get the more I see how off track the world is and how selfish people have become. It many instances most people only care about themselves, which I get we all need to survive, however this mentality is really hurting how we live and how we operate as people.

To conclude, I write this as a big fan of the service, and hope they come back soon, as i will surely miss the good music, it has been very beneficial to me through my recent difficult journey.

wow I have been with you guys for sometime and really love the service. I know it must be hard to operate an all Christian service, but you guys have definitely been making a difference. Service has always worked very well, great streaming quality, great user tools, great all around. I would be sad to know it was not going to be up anymore, hoping that not be the case. The selection of christian music was some of my very favorite tracks. Elevation worship has some amazing music, really love listening to them, also a big Daddy weave fan for sure. Redeemed is one of my all time favorites. Sad what happen to his brother. I write this as a long term supporter and subscriber as I very much believe in everything the service stands for. Life is so crazy these days, it seems almost anything you listen to or watch that is not Christian is pure craziness. Forget clean just wicked in general. I try to make sure my family has good things being put into their ears or eyes, so they are not fooled but the evil distractions of this world. We need to be reminded or whos we are , and what is most important in our lives. For if we dont have eternal life what do we have, If we don't have Christ what do we have. A service like this is super beneficial to giving us a fun way to praise and worship and simply love on the lord. We all know life can be crazy, everyday throwing new curve balls, new heart ache, new issues from every direction. To be able to have such a positive service that gives you amazing music that praises the almighty but also have a goal of clean refreshing TV shows is an amazing thing. I say this as I see so many Christian talk to the talk but rarely walk the walk. They are what I call sunday Christians , but when it comes down to it, or if they have to go out of their way, they will do very little to support the word of God being offered to the masses. It is sad but we live in a ME ME society in which not many people really care about taking action and trying to really make a difference. I am surprised an organization like this even exists. As just about any company is all about 1 thing ( money) ,, So I hope the service is just down temporarily and it is not over. I hope Christians realize how important supporting entities like this that are trying to do positive things is essential to give ourselves and our families a true alternative from what is presently available media wise.

Brother in Christ


May God Bless You in every way,
May God protect your family

So I have been living in Italy for the last 6 months primarily on business. I came across this Christian company around a similar time as I was looking for more streaming content in English, with some of my favorites to keep connected with some good praise music. This has been essential for me as I have been dealing with a tremendous amount of problems in my life. I am recently separated from my wife and have been having tremendous issues . My traveling has surely not helped matters. However I hope and pray that my family can be reunited in a positive way. The first and most major issue is the fact that my wife is not christian and we have polar opposite views on how we should be living our lives. This has caused a lot of friction and has me wondering if I should continue to try and resolve our differences. I pray that something can be done. During my time apart which I have not had another alternative. I have been doing a lot of praying and praying. Hoping that God can help. Sometimes I think it is me that needs changing and maybe that is the case. Maybe this isnt that platform to be digging into my problems. But to be blunt, I really have no other outlet except my nights up and long conversations with God. Sometimes I feel totally disconnected and very far away from him, but some good uplifting praise music really helps me stay focused on his word and what is really most important. I need to stay strong, keep praying but also do my part as best as I can. My overall review of service has been pretty good, ,service always worked very well, never a problem, they seemed to be growing on content all around, but seemed to fall off a touch lately. I know it must be difficult for a Christian company like this to make it as the world really buys into more other types of content. Especially with many people hurting financially even managing a new small subscription can be hard. I hope the service stays around as it has really been an amazing thing for me, have really appreciates the service, selection and overall christian comfort in multiple ways. For sometime I was listening to a sports program that was pretty cool, It was a family program which reminded me of my own family to be straight. Young kids sometimes do the craziest of things. So hopefully someone from the company sees this and realizes that you guys have been effecting my life in a very positive way. It may not be much, but has meant something to me, and I appreciate the efforts of trying to bring the light in some dark places.

Also to not being overseas this service has truly been amazing, not much else I have been able to find with the selection they have


Mario B.
Hope service comes back soon - Supporter *************
Hope service comes back soon - Supporter *************
Hope service comes back soon - Supporter *************
Hope service comes back soon - Supporter *************
Hope service comes back soon - Supporter *************
Hope service comes back soon - Supporter *************
Hope service comes back soon - Supporter *************
Hope service comes back soon - Supporter *************
Hope service comes back soon - Supporter *************

I am unsure if company is revamping their website of something, but used to be listener, but had to cancel, however when I tried to come back site is down. Hope they are not out of the Christian music streaming as they really had some great stuff. Will try back again in a few days and hopefully they are back up.

Stumbled across this site many months ago and as a Christian really loved the direction of this service. I have 2 kids and on a very serious note it is very hard to find really quality clean entertainment both music and TV, it would be nice to have a platform that catered to both. For sometime I was listening to a Dr. Ag Green who was really inspiring, a lot about faith and very motivational. Just seems when life has got you down it is nice to turn to some positive talk or music, I mean I need it in my life. things have been difficult for sometime and trying to care for my children and work, etc, it is surely not easy. But we have to keep trucking along. There was a time in my life in which nothing was going right, seemed like no matter what I did things just got worse and worse. It took me a long time to realize that God puts things in our life for a reason. What doesn't break us surely makes us stronger. We just keep learning and growing and becoming better parents, children of God, Sisters and brothers etc. I don't mean to ramble but a voice of positive things is so needed in a society in which everything is negative, you put on the news and it is always the craziest things in the world. people killing each other, horrible really. We need to know there is something great than just this world. That their is a king of kings and lord of lords that holds our hands through the most darkest of times. Anyway I am rambling again, hope you guys come back and service was really good. I am sure it must be hard to run a business like this but it is effecting small people like me that really need it. If that means anything.
Fan - Hope they come back soon ?
Fan - Hope they come back soon ?
Fan - Hope they come back soon ?
Fan - Hope they come back soon ?
Fan - Hope they come back soon ?
Fan - Hope they come back soon ?
Fan - Hope they come back soon ?
Fan - Hope they come back soon ?
Fan - Hope they come back soon ?
Fan - Hope they come back soon ?
Fan - Hope they come back soon ?

I no longer use the service as financially I just don't have any spare capital. I was at one time working with some of the folks at the company and will say they were some of the nicest people I have meet. I am an artist and they were extremely helpful with my music. very uplifting. I tried to recently go onto their website and I think they may no longer be in business as website is no longer up. Would be a shame as when I had the service it had some great Christian music, and some new startup Christian shows. They were starting to gain a good variety of programs and seemed to just loose traction. God only knows how a business like this even stays in business in the first place. However I will say I hope they do stick around as it always made me feel comfortable to stream so good uplifting Christian music and relax. Also one of the shows, I forget the name of it was really good, a pastor ran it and was related to recovery. I have had my demons in the past and I am sure most of us have. But was very uplifting and gave a lot of scripture to use when you needed help. I have had my share of issues with addiction and it has been a battle that I seem to have to keep fighting. To add some notes, as a musician it has been very hard as a Christian artist to really find anyway to make money. This would of really been nice to have a place that I can show off my skill and try to monetize my ability. I give the company high ratings for really having superior customer service and having an amazing vision. Unsure if they will be successful as in today's world what sells is SEX, and craziness on TV. Don't know how many people will support a Christian company like this. Always very disturbing what you see or hear on TV, cant even imagine a place that has normal people with Christian values with good shows. but it is what it is,

I am writing this as I am a believer in Christ and would love to see something like this grow, I have had very good experiences dealing with the companies musical staff, and also have had great experience while I was streaming its service. Quality was always good, crystal clear. A lot of features that were easy to use. Ability to create playlists, stream on demand, etc. So in ending hopefully company sticks around and gains more support in its journey to help bring more people to Christ.
Singer - Songwriter - Always enjoyed streaming the service
Singer - Songwriter - Always enjoyed streaming the service
Singer - Songwriter - Always enjoyed streaming the service
Singer - Songwriter - Always enjoyed streaming the service
Singer - Songwriter - Always enjoyed streaming the service
Singer - Songwriter - Always enjoyed streaming the service
Singer - Songwriter - Always enjoyed streaming the service
Singer - Songwriter - Always enjoyed streaming the service
Singer - Songwriter - Always enjoyed streaming the service
Singer - Songwriter - Always enjoyed streaming the service
Singer - Songwriter - Always enjoyed streaming the service

I so agree with everything you have written, Our world is clutters with craziness and we need something uplifting to really push us through our days. With words of positivity, strength, Faith and of course most importantly the Word of God. We need to live it not just speak it or tell people about it. We need to be examples of being Christians , We need to give and help uplift others in the best way we can. I was always told if you want a miracle, become the miracle. go help someone who might have a similar problem to yourself. What is amazing is how good helping someone else will be for you.

I have been on this site for sometime and have never had any issues. I have been going through a difficult time with my son, and I really have needed an outlet to unwind and focus on the good things. Life seems to throw so much on you that it can be difficult sometimes to know what is important. I have definitely been in a rut, everything just seems to be going wrong. It would be like if I won the lottery the next day they would say sorry we made a mistake. I don't mean to be down, but it is what it is, I have been trying to pull myself out of it, which has been very difficult. the only thing that helps is when I meditate on what I know God has in store for me, which is greater things, and he has me. I couldn't begin to tell you how many nights I just start listening and it helps me remember that he does have me. The rain comes down on the just and unjust. I have to work on being closer to God and having more faith and trusting in him. When the storm is a bruin, and you are slap in the middle of craziness. it can be hard to say the least. but again I know he has me. I have been listening to a lot of worship music and praise. What a beautiful name it is , for sure, his name seems to make everything ok. Love you Jesus , my father in heaven. I pray right now for the broken for the hurting , for the people feeling less than, to remember you have them in the palm of your hand. Forgive me Lord for my sins, I take you as my Lord and savior. Amen and Amen,

More to service, been very good , great quality, always works, good selection,

I would rate them an 8 out of 10,
been on this site for 7 months- good Christian music
been on this site for 7 months- good Christian music
been on this site for 7 months- good Christian music
been on this site for 7 months- good Christian music

As a newbie to podcasting I wanted to talk about Christ and things I am very passionate about. I researched many places but ultimately felt this company was a great fit and our interest aligned. When I started I literally knew nothing. However the company has walked me through almost every aspect of recording, recording equipment, ways to improve, guests, they have also helped me with design work at no charge just to help me get started with my landing page graphics. I feel like I have been and still are given a very personal relationship in which they are genuinely looking to do all they can to advance christian entertainment. They have literally spent hours with me, that i do not believe I would of received anywhere else. The platform may not be perfection, but from what I can see they are growing in a field in which must be difficult profitability wise. My experience has been an extremely positive one and they are slowly helping me become a better podcaster everyday that goes by. I am appreciative of the team and hope I can be a new resource to help people on there journey with Christ. I will also note that it has been fun working with this company. It has pushed my creative side to a new level. Things I am not sure I would of received anywhere else. On another note the world today is filled with so much very worldly content not really focusing on what is most important in our lives which is Christ. We need more of what this company is doing, not less. I hope I can be a long term great addition to what this organization is doing. I would suggest this company as an extremely unique fit if you are just getting started and want a platform in which you can be a part of something that is new and special. Also if you are a Christian music lover , this is a great platform to stream some of your favorites , always has worked very well for me, although an app would be very helpful. Just a thought to the team it would be nice if we could stream some of the larger preachers or even smaller preachers from the service, to really have a place besides youtube that you can have a lot of great education in the word by inspiring talented pastors.
Started my first podcast - very good experience *******************
Started my first podcast - very good experience *******************
Started my first podcast - very good experience *******************
Started my first podcast - very good experience *******************
Started my first podcast - very good experience *******************
Started my first podcast - very good experience *******************
Started my first podcast - very good experience *******************

I have been using this service for a while and love it. Strictly great christian music. I open the lab top and this puts me to bed in a positive uplifting way. I love me some Michael W. Smith. ( This is how I Fight My Battles) I know i can stream some of these things on youtube, but its rare to find a company trying to be strictly christian related. I see that started putting out some new shows to which I think is pretty cool, I listened to a few, specifically the recovery program as I am a recovering alcoholic. Really was educational and inspiring. Really great job with it. Its nice to know there is a place that people are coming to , to have virtual meetings, and can have support for everyday life issues. I also listened to some sports shows, once was really cute a father and his kids. Have really been getting into it, wish they had more of it. So I think everyone knows were this review is going 12 stars, lol. Seriously a great service, hope they can expand upon it and make things even better, would love to see a service like this grow. So hope that helps people,
Love this site ************** My Bed Time Lift Me Up Music
Love this site ************** My Bed Time Lift Me Up Music
Love this site ************** My Bed Time Lift Me Up Music
Love this site ************** My Bed Time Lift Me Up Music
Love this site ************** My Bed Time Lift Me Up Music
Love this site ************** My Bed Time Lift Me Up Music
Love this site ************** My Bed Time Lift Me Up Music
Love this site ************** My Bed Time Lift Me Up Music

I am a professional Gospel singer and have been for sometime. I have been a user of the service for sometime and have enjoyed the content. I have recently been fortunate to utilize some of its studio services for a track recording. My experience has been very good, fairly priced in comparison to other studios or engineers and have went into great detail with me to try to bring my track to as much of a polished state as possible. Very happy and pleased, Michael it has been a pleasure working with you and team. My song came out amazing and feel like it has the capability to be a true hit. Appreciate all your help. I want to be clear that when a singer like myself records in a studio an engineer really can make all the difference adding real depth the the track and turning my baby into a real masterpiece. So to be shown great care and attention in the process was an extreme positive and showed me that it wasn't just about completing the project but completing it right and the way I wanted it. A lot of talent and I am grateful.

An amazing experience, It has been so upsetting to see what presently is on TV or on the radio. To locate an company that is doing something about it, amazing. Count me in 100% for the kingdom. Experience I could not imagine it better, the staff have been prompt , quick to respond, a true pleasure to speak to. Unsure what anyone could be expecting more. Beyond just joining to add content the people have been a breath of fresh air to chat with. They have helped me with what hardware to purchase for my recorded program, how to best story board by show, how to record guests, etc. I never ever leave reviews, however I came across this site , odd as it is with its name and was like what is that Scam urrrrr, having a personal experience I am appalled at some people making these minor complaints , like really, people complaining about issues uploading spanish content or troubles uploading content but the company did it for you, what is the compliant, really people way to critical of a Christian company, or maybe that is what it is, everyone expects a christian company to be perfect, well people I got news for you just because we are christian we are not perfect, we all make mistakes, I am with christgeo for the long term, love what they are doing and with out a doubt looking at the bigger picture,

I worked for christgeo for about 6 weeks, I left as I got another job offer that simply paid more money. I would of liked to work for a christian company but at this point in my life i have to pay the bills. My experience was fair with christgeo, nice people, clearly a new organization , but I knew this right from the beginning. I think the goal is a very positive one and love the objective. Work wise it was definitely a lot, I thought it was an extremely professional environment , very growth oriented , I learned a great deal from my started point. A lot of software work, All in all a fair experience. I have been reading some of these other employees and most seem fairly positive. I came in contact with a good number of staff, and all very nice and pleasant, why anyone who be so critical is beyond me,

I found a post for a job and I was desperate so I applied. They sent an email promising a lot (red flag) but that I'd need to look through a part of their website that requires log in. You had to do a free trial subscription and I was planning on canceling. Now every time I've tried logging out, the website says my 'email doesn't exist'. I've tried contacting but there's no phone number or email. Just a fill out form that falls on deaf ears. I've been charged 20 dollars a month and this was 3 months ago.

We apologize for any issues. We responded to you the other day and relayed you were attempting to login using an incorrect email. We believe you should now have access.

Started only about 2 months ago with christgeo as a podcaster, I have had a few initial issues with uploads, but not to be all negative, anytime I had an issue they quickly helped me with my content, so I understand a young growing company. I am not going to go off on that side of things as yes it could have been better but did not cause me any issues. What offset that negative was income, nice income I am starting to generate with the organization with my content. Much more than anticipated which is a major plus, I definitely have been very proactive social media wise with my content and sharing. however the people have been fantastic with helping me through entire process, very straight forward. very educational, very helpful, I have no complaints in this department, Excited to see what happens with christgeo a few years from now, hopefully more pull together to put together some great christian content, I do some writing as well as podcasting and would be excited to see an ebook division of the company emerge. God Bless ALL. Tommy

when i was with company they were in middle of fixing those issues. hopefully they got it figured out

I have been using the christgeo platform for sometime, typically I use it on a kitchen computer I have to listen to some uplifting music, The company switched to a more on demand and very customizable by us the users, It used to be more like multiple radios, new way, much better , especially if you take the time and setup your playlists, So I have many playlists I have setup, Morning, My Inspire playlist and Time to go to sleep. Platform works well, only had 1 issue, but I really think my computer was just glitching out on me, have not ever had a problem since. I love what christgeo stands for and will continue to support even if they have a misstep at some point. Nothing is easy and I cant imagine what they do being a piece of cake, On the most positive side beyond all working well, what I like most, is probably 10 plus times some tracks have not been on the system. I emailed support and they had my track live super fast. Just made me feel like they care and I was actually taking part of building something, which i like, I cant wait for the Roku app as that will work on my bedroom TV and can play my Sleep time playlist, ;)) ,,

I figured since everyone is sharing , and sharing is caring , will go over my experience with christgeo, I have gotten probably about 12 plus total jobs, I have found them fairly easy to work for , I always had to do some revisions on my work but that is fairly normal. I would with out a doubt continue to take work from this company. Also as a professional I expect my clients to be particular of what they are getting , after all this is for there business. Payment terms have always been stuck to, never been annoyed or talked to unprofessionally. I am a touch of a perfectionist with my work and specifically due to the nature of this organization I have definitely gone above and beyond. On a cool note, the person who was in charge of my work I have become very close with, we get along extremely well, this person is also a singer who does some amazing christian music, He video teleconferenced me one day, I was blown away how talented, but I am telling everyone that as my feeling with the people that at least I have interacted with have been very family like. Like christians helping christians. Sometimes it can be annoying when you see christians who proclaim to be christians being judgemental, or slandering others, we are all just people, we are all sinners, Christ came for the sick not the healthy, Anyway that is my review , hope it helps any new staff make a good decision, but of course, we all need to make our own minds up and roads we choose for our life, GOD BLESS everyone,

unsure about cool , hard to work for, but I guess that is ok, LOL,

I have had an extremely professional relationship with this company. We have been retained to build out very specific software system. yes they have been very detailed, high expectations, and eccentric, but what organizations that pave the way in a new field are not. I was thrilled to be chosen by this organization to perform services as the vision of is aligned with my own. I am appalled that another software programmer that has been paid by this company would leave a negative comment about the organization. The complaint basically stating the company expected the best result, which what company doesn't, ridiculous. The company again has been a pleasure to work with, very organized, very on point with scheduled meetings, oversight on project was as expected. The entire experience with the organization has been extremely positive. I will say for end users everyone will be pleasantly surprised by the Roku apps capabilities,

I initially was having some problems uploading content. I had to keep sending my content directly to them. While this worked and got all my content up I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong or what the issue was on there side, was confused and frustrated to say the least. What I will say is the customer support rep jerry was very nice and walked me thru almost everything. What i finally realized is I was trying to upload my content to my regular user account and not my podcaster account, apparently the standard user account will let you on approval only upload some content video wise. My issue is company should have better how to on usage of the system. Again support was amazing but a self help guide in this case would of been better. The support rep assured me they are adding a self help guide just as I requested. So that is a good thing. Overall I had a rough start, the individual I delt with at the company was very helpful. In this case maybe what they may have lacked in online self help tools they made up for with good customer service. besides that I love the goals of the company and direction, I am a big Christian music listener and love listening to some good people talk about the word. I'm not going to comment to much on overall functionality, All I have gotten to at this point are the very basics, using playlists for music, etc. I did get to upload my content myself after I logged in to the right place, I also agree with one other person who has reviewed them, I wish they had even more Christian music , I love a lot of older songs that I used to listen to with my parents, right now Christgeo has a lot of the today's stuff, which is great but wish selection would get deeper. Any Hoot , that's my review,

I am a devote Christian spreading the Gospel. I have been a podcaster for many years, ChristGEO has thus far been a very good experience for me, technology took a little for me to get used to uploading, but after a day or so it was easy peezy, if that is how you spell that. I have been on a few podcast platforms like the bean , and all have been very basic, similar platforms. What I have liked about the Geo, is the people, very blunt and to the point, they have been instrumental in helping me progress my program,amazing advice. They may be a touch pushing, but personally I like that, I am not here to just do a basic job, I want to put out the best show I can, better the show the better I can do my job and get the Gospel out in my own unique way. On a negative note I did initially have some issues with the time it was taking to get my content approved, sometimes more than 4 hours. I contacted customer support, but ultimately everything got approved no harm. I didn't realize how young the company is, they literally only started back in early 2021. Well kudos to you guys, if that is how you spell that, lol, great job in such a short period of time, I must say I have always discussed why we can't have a better option for TV or radio, hopefully Christgeo can be that option,. God bless, I am very positive towards Christgeo, sure they may have some small issues but that is to be expected with a new entity, Keep Rocking GEO,,,,,

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