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US Border and Customs Imposter

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US Border and Customs Imposter Reports & Reviews (10)

• Mar 19, 2024

The scam sounded legit at beginning as he shared following details:
Investigating Officer - Hector Pruneda
PORT code: 2310
Dept 405 N Estrella Suite B, Roma, TX 78584
Incident number - DMC8297701
Warrant ID number - AW127315

The guy on the other end claimed there’s an ongoing investigation about identity theft. Apparently, they seized a package that had marijuana, cocaine, and other drugs (total value around 50 grand)—and get this—it had my personal info on it! The package was supposedly headed from Mexico to Texas.

Now, Mr. Mystery Caller gave me two options. Option one: hire my own criminal lawyer and deal with this mess, which could take a whopping 6 months. Option two: something called the ADR route (still not sure what that stands for), which could magically resolve everything in 24 to 48 hours. The catch? Investigating officers would show up at my doorstep, asking for more info.

But here’s where it gets fishy. While he was yapping away and confirming my ADR, I did some quick Googling. I came across this website and understood that it is a scam. So, I told him, “Hey buddy, share your email address, and I’ll double-check the domain before confirming. I'll directly call US Marshal Service or 911 and verify your details with them rather than you or your supervisors.” And finally, I hung up in frustration. So far, no notices or emails from anywhere.

After quick googling, I found that all these details were from here:

• Dec 19, 2023

Sounded legit to start out. Gave his badge #CBP023395 and a case #DMC8297701 telling me there was an open investigation for a case of identity theft and that they had seized a package with my personal information and cocaine that was headed to TX from Mexico. It started sounding very fishy, so I googled the phone number while I was on the phone and found it this site with a complaint tied to his name. At that time he had US Marhal Service call to arrange whatever they planned but I imformed them their name was list on this site and they hung up.

• Jan 10, 2024

The same thing happened to me. Thank you very much.

• Sep 28, 2023

My wife just received a call on her phone from a heavily Indian accented guy claiming he was Agent Rick Pauza with badge number CPB6336, a real life federal officer with the Custom Border Patrol. We don't live anywhere near the border so that was a huge red flag along with the guy's foreign accent.

He said there was a case number BMC070 and wanted my wife to confirm her Social Security number, claiming that there was a warrant for her arrest in Texas and several opened maxed out accounts plus an illegal package (with drugs?) numbered 3061. It's all BS, of course.

The game was given away when my wife received another call from the local police department (no doubt spoofed) with yet another guy with thick heavy Indian accent, using the fake badge number BR8499. That's when my wife knew it was a scam from one of those Indian scam phone call centers, and hung up on both calls.

These scammer guys are getting bolder everyday, using a real life agent's name and stolen badge number.


Just received a call from a “Reik Pauza” badge #CBP023359 regarding case #DMC701089 about a package from Mexico and asking if we have lived in Texas. He provided 2 addresses, both from El Paso, Texas. Very difficult to understand. He mentioned possible identity theft and asking questions about what bank institutions may we hold account in. We hung up after finding these reports of similar scams. Thanks to all who have shared!


Basically the same as everyone else:

Got a call from an unlisted number, saying they're Stacey Coffeic from us border patrol. Sounded like a busy office in the background.

Gave me a case number and bade number. When i started questioning, they forwarded me to Rick Bauza with badge number Cbp840648

Alledgedly some one stole my indentity and was drug trafficking, money laundering, etc in my name. They had seized a package in El Paso, TX mailed from "Maria Sanchez" in Mexico with my personal information, $94k, SS cards, and cocaine, heroin, and other drugs. He began asking for my personal information and told me he was going to get me on a recorded line to get some general personal information, so they could investigate to prove my innocence.

They asked me to give them the local police information so they could help out and then i got a call that appeared to be from the local police. Thank goodness they mispronounced the city name or else im not sure if I would have realized it was a scam. Reported it to the actual local police.


He sounded very legit and the call to my cell phone came from US GOVT 956-753-1768. He also gave me another number 517.684.8978. When I googled the US GOVT number it came up as the Laredo, TX Border Patrol office. You could hear other "agents" talking in the background. He gave his office address, badge # CBP023359 and a case # letting me know he was investigating a case that my name was associated with. He had my name, address, phone number but was seeking other general information such as what bank I used and what loans I might have. The "case" was for drug trafficking, money laundering, and identity theft; they had seized a package in El Paso, TX mailed from "Maria Sanchez" in Mexico with my personal information, $94k, SS cards, and cocaine, heroin, and other drugs. He began asking for my personal information and told me he was going to get me on a recorded line to get some general personal information, so they could investigate to prove my innocence. It felt like he might be a scam artist, so I googled him while I was on the phone and found a similar complaint. I told him I was calling the police and lawyer and hung up on him.


Gave me a badge ID and case ID - said my name was used to mail a box of illegal drugs from Mexico, which were found in El Paso. Said someone stole my identity and may have created a bunch of new bank accounts in my name. The "officer" knew my name, address and telephone number. They said the social security department will be freezing my SSN in two hours if I didn't stay on the line with them. They sounded South Asian - had an accent and couldn't pronounce some words correctly. When I asked for a callback number they reiterated the sense of urgency - 2 hours before my SSN is frozen - but then hung up when I pressed for a callback number.


He sounded very legit - must have had a recording of a call bank or something because you could hear other "agents" talking in the background. Gave his badge # and a case # letting me know he was investigating a case of identity theft and that they had seized a package with my personal information and cocaine that was headed to TX. He began asking for my personal information and told me he was going to schedule an agent to come to my house the following day. It all started sounding very fishy, so I googled him while I was on the phone and found a similar complaint. I hung up on him, and he proceeded to call me three more times with different phone numbers until I began blocking all of them.


Rick bauza



Claiming to be an officer at the US border. Someone sent a package that was addressed to me from Mexico with drugs, social security cards and driver licenses. Someone had stolen my identity and was opening up fraudulent bank accounts. He wanted to know where I bank and then I hung up.

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