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Stafford Group Associates

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Stafford Group Associates Reports & Reviews (49)

• Jun 04, 2024

They called me talking about Zoca loan, which I did take out the loan but it was YEARS ago they said they can move forward with legal fees and they offered me and settlement of 600 dollars. I feel like this is a scam.

• Feb 07, 2024

They call and act like they have your info on an 11 year old debt. They say settle for $500 get a life and a real job. You know you have to answer to god one day VICTOR FROM 714-453-9117.

• Jan 30, 2024

Said there were legal documents mailed to me a few days ago about a complaint filed in their office and I needed to get back to them quickly. They used my name but I also have a man in my area with my name that somehow got associated with my phone number so most scam calls I get are looking for him. My phone never rang though, I just got the exact same voicemail twice 3 minutes apart. At the end of the message he mentions a property that - when researched - has been owned by the same person since 1988 (I was 9)...not me buddy!

• Dec 12, 2023

They call and saying you have a debt. Then they call non stop and some how they get your family member number saying there name and if this your emergency contact for you and they are very harassing

I also received a phone call from Dalia. Claiming to be a law firm. They called my exhusband and my parents and I didn’t give them either numbers. How do we get them to stop. I have even sent them in an email to stop harrassing me. This needs to stop cause now my mom is worried. Called from 714-453-9292. I haven’t revieved any paperwork and they claim to have sent some out. They also reported on my credit and I do not know the company or owe money.


Foremost, if you happen to pick up random calls and it's related to debt collection, whether it's believable to you or not, ask for the name of the Business/Company you supposedly owe money to, ask for the amount in their "collections", the date they received your account info, and let them know that you will reach out to the Business/Company to confirm. If they're unwilling to provide what they have and use threatening tactics to get you to give them your credit card or bank info, IT'S A SCAM! Preferably, contact the business/company by phone so that you have a live person to confirm your account status. Lastly, forward the fraud email/phone # to the FBI. They handle all that! Don't be scared about something that you know ISN'T true! This is so disgusting the level these pieces of [censored] go through to swindle people out of their money.

Just as everyone has said above, this bs Stafford Group & Associates is a scam. I don't pick up #s I don't recognize. I listened to their voicemail over and over again to make sure I have the right information. They said they were calling for a Neil as the person has me listed as their contact. BS, as I don't know a Neil, no Neils in my family, no friends name Neil! To humor myself, I called the number back from a company fax #. A young woman by the name of Lisa picks up. I ask for Anne, as that is who supposedly left the message. She says Anne isn't able to assist me as she's an Assistant. Is there something I can help you with? I said no, I'd like to speak to Anne as she is the one who left the message and said to call back and ask for her. She said Anne doesn't handle phone calls, do you have a case #. I give her a fake case #, not the one "Anne" left. She didn't bother to say if what I gave her was wrong or right, didn't confirm who she was speaking to. I said well can I speak to a Manager or Director, she said there's only Assistants like herself managing see what she just did there. I said so Anne isn't available and no one above you is available, but this is a law firm. She said if you would stop interrupting me I can help you. Why would she get mad if I'm asking relevant questions? I said you can't help me because you're a fraud. No legal firm would speak to a potential client that way. She said we're not a legal firm. I said I know you're not, you're a scammer, and I'm forwarding all of this to the FBI. ~CLICK~ She hasn't called back to the number I called from. If she even tries, she'll be met with the fax machine noise.


For the last 6 plus months they have called my wife daily and request she sends more money for an alleged 12,000 debt that they have sent no paperwork to prove that the debt is true. They have used scare tactics that lawyers will be involved if she doesn’t pay the debt. As well as lawyers will be involved if she doesn’t sign the alleged payment agreement that she has never received that they claim was sent to her email. Today they went to the lengths of contacting me stating I’m down as a reference which my name and number was never given out. How can we close this scam business and get all of our money back? Should we involve our lawyers and law enforcement?


I just got a call from the same people as everyone else on here. Someone named Lilah says she is from the above company and that they sent out some urgent documents that need to be addressed immediately. She said there has been a complaint filed against me but says I would have to call them back in order for her to explain the circumstances to me. I don’t know how the hell she got my address but she says we have questions regarding this property as well. I have yet to receive any documents and don’t know if anyone I owe at this time. The thing that gave it away was you could tell she was reading off of a script! Do they really think we are that stupid?


i received a call from
one of the numbers i see listed they left voicemail said who they were said message was for my bf first name but my last name same thing im
reading in all these comments about it o check my credit score regularly i get worried when that stuff takes so long to fix after it’s been messed up so i try to stay on top of
we will see if they call back but now i know it’s a scam not to worry about it


Called about an alleged complaint, and a claim number. Also inquired about an adress that I never resided at. Blocked the number on my cell phone and somehow they were able to bug me AGAIN. I will report this agency to the Attorney Generals office.


They left me a message that they were from the legal department of Stafford Group with a complaint filed against me. Claim numbers are not valid and list other incorrect information to get me to call them back.


They left a message saying they have a complaint against me and addressed me by my maiden name . Legal action will be taken I was told .


Received a call from Stafford saying they were handling pre-trial work for someone named Robert (same last name as mine) who had listed me as a personal reference. I informed them I only know one person by that name who is long-deceased. The representative apologized for the confusion and said she’d remove my number from the system. She was friendly enough and didn’t seem to be pushing any kind of scam on me, but the whole experience was rather strange. Could also have been an honest mistake, my name is fairly common.


I was part of a data breach a few times so I'm aware my information is out. They keep calling my family members, including my in laws whom I have no relationship with. Their tactics are disgusting. Apparently they sent me paperwork and I've never recieved anything in the mail. They also claim to have a case on me and when I look it up there's no information or case # is not valid.


I just started getting nonstop calls from a unknown number. I finally answered it because my cell is also a work number. When I answered I could immediately tell it was someone trying to sell me something so I hung up. They continued to call and finally left a voicemail saying, " They are the legal department of Stafford group and associates, the reason for this call is because we sent out urgent documents about a complaint that's been filed in this office. They told me to call back at 714-453-9292. They gave me a case number and they had questions regarding my property. They continued to state my address."
I had been in data breaches as well, unfortunately to many times.. So I know my info is out there and this is just so annoying..


I was contacted by the same number. Also stated an adress that my relatives live at. Tried blocking the number on my phone. Somehow the SAME number was able to get thru and leave the same message.

ORANGE, CA 92868

This appeared on my credit report and I have no knowledge of what this business is or why I owe them and nobody will answer me or return my emails or phone calls.


Also calls from a number (714) 453-9414 as well as the above listed number, their ID comes up as SG Associates. Legal issues would send you certified letters to sign, not call you on the phone, so fake


I got a call this morning from "Dahlia" with the "legal department " from this fake company. Said she was trying to get ahold of (my niece) regarding a complaint filed against her. Asked me to give her a number. Warned my niece this is a scam. Dahlia couldn't give any information about said complaint because she supposedly didn't have access and only makes the calls. I told her she should have access if it's in the computer. Told her to remove my number. She said she would if (niece) would call in and ask her to. I then reminded her that she legally had to if I asked her to. Says she did remove it. Called from private number but gave callback number as 714-453-9292.


I noticed a loan/ bill on my credit reports from this so-called SCAM company that has millions of complaints stating it is a SCAM. The fake company/ scam has many different phone numbers and email addresses to distract the victims of their stolen identity. I noticed an amount on my credit report showing a $1633.00 current balance back in December of 2020 when I did not take out ANY loans back in December of 2020 not to mention that I am a victim of 2 data breaches one from Equix Fax data breach and a new one this year with TMobile data breach. I will be contacting the FTC, TrustPilot, and the BBB regarding this scam. The company is using different phone numbers as stated above in the subject which I have added and they are using different email addresses as well as mailing addreses. Upon calling the number a voice recording by the name of "Victor Alexander" came on the voicemail asking for more information to be left on the recorded line and he will get back to you soon. IT'S ALL A SCAM


This is the 3rd time I have received this voice message...never received any documents of any kind! Not calling back based on the other complaints listed on here.

Good afternoon this message is for(removed). My name is Daisy I'm calling from the legal department of Stafford Group and Associates. The reason for my call is because we send out some documents to you a few days ago in regards to a complaint that has been filed here in our office that requires your immediate attention. It is important for us to hear back from you as soon as possible to explain to you the particulars of this matter. The number to our office is area code 714-453-9292 at the time of your calling please reference your case number which is 7527...

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Stafford Group Associates Contacts

Stafford Group Associates associated photos:


139 West Chapman Orange, California 92868



+1 (855) 466-6308


This website was reported to be associated with Stafford Group Associates.


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