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@sakura__0808__ SakuraNFT

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@sakura__0808__ SakuraNFT Reports & Reviews (1)

@sakura__0808__ also known as SakuraNFT on Twitter is an scammer. He's bought a verified twitter account and is stealing money from people saying he will help sellout NFT projects. Beware of this person. Don't even bother sending any money to this NFT scammer. I've lost over $5000 and there's no way to recover it. Although I've contacted twitter support and my friends who work in twitter are working on getting his account banned.

0xaf9e4297f496c06d2a57c2d2a4a76265b81a0099 is a scammers wallet address
@sakura__0808__ SakuraNFT is a NFT SCAMMER - BE ALERT
@sakura__0808__ SakuraNFT is a NFT SCAMMER - BE ALERT
@sakura__0808__ SakuraNFT is a NFT SCAMMER - BE ALERT
@sakura__0808__ SakuraNFT is a NFT SCAMMER - BE ALERT

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@sakura__0808__ SakuraNFT Contacts

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