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Property Scam

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Property Scam Reports & Reviews (3)

- Comer, GA, USA • Nov 13, 2023

Got me for property scam had me pay 7000 taxes they claimed an never gave ownership then knocked down the house

- Joplin, MO, USA

I had some properties listed for sale and got several emails on the same properties. While it is one of my properties, it is unusual for people to email repeatedly on the same property in the morning and ask for me to click on a PDF in order to see the response. I believe they are finding my properties on Craigslist.

I post my listings on Craigslist as for sale houses. Someone copied one of my listings and said it was a rental. A woman contacted me and said she was interested in renting my house, which was for sale, and would mail a check. I let her know that was a scam.

Check fields!

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