Kessinger Construction and Concrete llc. and Kessinger Fam Reports & Reviews (1)
Kessinger Construction and Concrete llc. and Kessinger Fam Contacts
If you know any contact information for Kessinger Construction and Concrete llc. and Kessinger Fam , help other victims by adding it!
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Scammer's email [email protected]
Type of a scam Employment
There really is a Terry Kessinger that runs that company, but operates from the website
The phone number on the email does not match the website. I called the number on the correct website and spoke to Terry Kessinger. He said it is a scam and that he had already received a similar call from a lady in Georgia.
We email the person the initial information that they requested: name, number, address, age. The second email the person sent was to confirm that address and name because a register check was going to be send by mail to purchase items for a charity. I am sure the check was going to bonus and the items were going to get sent to the person and not a charity.