Keller Cross and Associates LLC Reports & Reviews (9)
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Keller Cross & associates Scam phone# 833-807-0473
I told her well, I'll wait for Matt and get the document. All she responded to was good luck in court.
I will attach a pic of the voice mail. if this is a scam, I hope they don't get any more from anyone and they themselves go to jail
Keller Cross and Associates LLC
100% Scam
Scammer's website No website
Scammer's address No address
Scammer's email Michelle Bradley
Country United States
Type of a scam Debt Collections
Initial means of contact Phone
First they offer a 35% reduction of the original debt amount, which I didn't pay. Then they send me a document to sign and accept the settlement. I reviewed the document and there's no valid mailing address or a phone. I call the lady Lindsay again and she reduce the settlement amount down to 60% and said that I can use a credit card to pay it off. If I didn't pay then they will proceed to take me to court and by the time they/court are done, I will end up with more than $10,000 dollars ... and an additional $3,500 legal fees.
I browse the web and found 'Just Answer', paid a $5 fee and chat with one of the attorney. Charlie gave me your web link, I input the name 'Keller, Cross and Associates, LLC' and came up as scam.
I can be reached at this email address ... [email protected] if you find any information that I help me. My name is Koo
Thank you,
Country United States
Type of a scam Debt Collections
Initial means of contact Phone
Country United States
Victim Location OH 44012, USA
Type of a scam Debt Collections