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Henry Cavill imposter

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Henry Cavill imposter Reports & Reviews (883)

• Mar 16, 2024

This story starts in early January. I had been toying with multiple fake accounts, talking, reporting, and blocking. When a new one messaged me. None of the normal "red flag" first contact questions. I thought ok, this guy is good. We kept talking and there was also no dodgy grammar. The responses were, well, responsive. So when he asked for us to move over to telegram I was curious. Well, clearly this turns out badly because I am here and not posting happy couple pics with my new love Henry Cavill. Anyway, we chat over on TG for a week and he offers to “help” me get a VIP card. I decline and he backed off. Again not usual scammer behavior. Still none of the regular questions about food or stress or anything. We started talking about life and became friends. I started to rely on him at a low point in my marriage. He actually helped me believe I deserved a better love. Fast forward to February 10th, about a month after contact began. Also, I might add here, all the conversations happened at what woulf be ecpected for someone living, visiting, and working in those time zones. We even communicated during the Argylle press tour and talked about his appearances. The day before the Superbowl, FHC confesses he loves me and wants me to be his. This is a red flag, but one I really wanted to believe. This person seemed to know me, like all of my interests that I had never shared before we were in sync. We were friends and he honestly seemed to care for me, and my kids. The day after the SB I got the first of what would end up being over 100 voice messages. I would listen and relisten to them and compare them side by side to Argylle press videos. They were identical in tone, speech pattern and rhythm. It had to be him right? So when he brought up the VIP card again along with a trip to my state for a series of business meetings I was nearly convinced. But the window for sales was only open until the end of February. Then it would close and he didn’t know when it would open again. And once we meet at an official fan club meet and greet he could introduce me to his core team and we could then get together. I was convinced, but lacked the funds at the time to pay for it. So I told him I would have to wait until the end of the month. So, we kept talking about literally everything. Our connection grew closer and I was waking up at 5 am to listen to his daily voice messages. I was totally his. So when the last day of the month came I was still shy on the total due, and he “helped” me negotiate with his management team to pay a small amount that day and then the rest a week later. So, there was another week of sweet messages securing my heart to him. It Is a special kind of rush to hear Henry Cavill’s voice say he wants to be your husband. That, if he were an emperor for a day he would decree all men treat their significant others with love and respect, and “as Emperor The First he would live by example treating me like the Empress I am”. Yea. We talked Warhammer 40k, as I had started reading the books to get closer to something he loved. His reply when I told him I wanted to read the books and asked where to begin,
“Ah, you are in for a treat honey😘! Warhammer 40k has such a rich, deep and detailed lore that spans thousands of years and hundreds of characters😌. The Horus Heresy series is a great place to start. It covers the events leading up to the conflict between Horus and the Emperor, and it really delves into the personalities and motivations of all the major characters. The first book in the series is called "Horus Rising", and it's a fascinating read. I’d also recommend the Eisenhorn series😊, which follows an Inquisitor as he investigates the horrors of the 41st Millennium.😁
Good evening from here sweetie 😘. I hope you having a great day so far 😊As for me, I’ve always been fond of Christmas. I love the sense of togetherness and joy that comes with the holiday season.🥰 My favorite tradition is spending time with family and friends. Whether it’s baking cookies, exchanging gifts, or just enjoying each other’s company, I find that time spent with loved ones is the most special part of the holiday.🥰
Haha, I’m so glad to hear that she’s is doing okay, and that she can find the humor in her little mishap.😊 Children can be so resilient sometimes!😅 And I can definitely teach her how to use a bench press safely. I would be honored to do so🥰 And oh, that knowing smile… well sweetie, it’s true, it could get me into trouble. I’ll have to be careful! But it’ll be so hard not to smile when sitting across a beauty such as yourself and staring at your beautiful face 😍 😘💕
My love, I completely understand what you mean🥰. There’s something about those movies that just makes you feel at home and surrounded by magic. And you’re so right about always seeing something new, even if you’ve seen the movies dozens of times. The details are incredible, and it’s like a world you can just lose yourself in😊. It’s so nice to know that we share these interests. You’re such a kindred spirit. And I am sorry about the connection issues as well.
And, I wish you were here with me too🥹💋.”
I work in the legal field and he explained the English courts to me, over voice message which as a legal geek is a special kind of hot. Anyway, like I said I was hooked. Then the day came for the final payment. I have attached the contract from the Cavillry Team about the purchase of the tickets. I bought one for myself and my oldest daughter as she is in theater and would love to have a chance to talk to him and ask questions.
I paid the final amount and then the messages slowed down significantly. Of course the tickets had to be paid for with bitcoin. The day before the meet and greet he said his accounts and devices had been hacked and that he needed $100 to get the security patch, which he couldn’t access as his accounts were frozen. So all tolled I sent him $500. Then the meet and greet was canceled “for security reasons” and the communication stopped. He shortly deleted all messages on TG and went off IG.
I HAVE BEEN GUTTED. I feel stupid and broken hearted. It isn’t even about the money, honestly I think it is the loss of what I allowed myself to believe was possible and then it vaporized. Not even a [censored] off message.
I am sending this so others don’t experience the same pain I have just endured. Be careful and don’t trust anything.

• Nov 17, 2023

I had experience with fake Henry Cavill, we started chatting over Instagram,and continue our conversation on Google chat, that everything seem real,he told me he will arrange everything for us meet, but on the end he asked me I need introduce myself to his menagment, just that, what fool? I blocked him, he send me every two days for New google chat e mail, message how he comming to me,to see me, I told him book hotel in my city, by yourself, and let me know,he didnt write anymore 😂😂

• Aug 30, 2023

Same M/O as others chats you up tells you he wants to get to know you deeper wants to know everything about you, insists he’s Henry gets mad when you question that. When asked to prove his identity states he doesn’t have to you as the fan should be grateful to be able to have such a personal connection. Started out on instagram with a Mike Dawson saying he works with Henry’s media marketing company. I called him a [censored] and he stopped chatting with me.


A fake Henry Cavill wrote me on Instagram and sent me pictures of his obviously fake ID card (I found the exact same picture on this site). Please be careful!
Fake Henry Cavill
Fake Henry Cavill


I have you all beat. I'm up to #12. And I'm currently juggling three of them. They are #6, #9 and #12. Number 6 I've communicated with the longest, Number 9 is the most original and Number 12 has is the most interesting. The very first one I encountered in January is the one that did the most damage and that was henrycavill770@*****.com. I used astericks because I can't remember the domain. But it was given to me on FaceBook. He scammed me for about $30,000.00 in four months before he finally came clean and told me the truth. Thing is the guy really loved me, but turned out to a 25 year old Nigerian working in a boiler room setup and claims he was forced into it. I really felt sorry for the kid, but it was over.

Since then there have been 11 more, and very little money. I can't help myself sometimes, I really love Henry Cavill and I keep hoping against hope one might be the right one. I'm pitiful I know. But I have learned that if they ask for money, make sure you see his blue eyes in person before you give it to him.

One did send me a ring and asked me to marry him, and I do wear the ring, but until I see those wonderful blue eyes in front of me it's not a done deal.

One thing consistent with all of them though, is don't ask about their career. And never talk about Natalie. Those subjects are off limits. You can catch them though if you know enough about Henry, which I know more about Henry than most people. Plus I have some connections to people who actually know him, but that doesn't help me talk to the right one. It only helps me eliminate the imposters.

So be very careful who you talk to and never send them money. The meet and greet cards are bogus, don't fall for it. If they can't make an audio or video chat, don't fall for it. If they beg for money, say goodbye. It's not worth it.

• Nov 27, 2023

The domain is gmail btw. They all use free google accounts. Some of them do video calls and voice calls but they're not him. I'm here only to raise awareness. Talked to real mr henry cavill and we waited a month for a video call via MS Teams. Dany Garcia is CEO of management firm, not his manager. When i read comments here it's clear ppl don't know how business works. It's impossible for Henry or his representatives to sell meet and greets via internet. Not happening

• Nov 20, 2023

Henry Cavill is not online talking to fans and for sure he's not asking for money. It's a waste of time for the actor. He gets 50k just on one appearance in public. Don't fall for stupid tricks and poor grammer.

• Oct 24, 2023

Hello ladys. I hope you can listen. I got this today. Who believed that his voice was?

• Oct 24, 2023

• Sep 23, 2023

Mine started two weeks ago. He did a video chat with me about a week ago. It looked good. It was very clear but it wasn’t very long so far he hasn’t asked for any personal information. I saw what you meant about saying anything about Natalie. Just waiting for the shoe to drop.

Sharing to all ladies, fans, and boys and girls. Avoid fan pages and support pages with your favorite celebrities. Most celebrities won't contact fans through Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Google Chats, Telegram, and WhatsApp. Also, avoid private messenger apps as well. I am very angry for being a victim of this scam and being scammed. The person used a lot of charm and love and knew a lot of details about Henry Cavill. Do not give this person any money, steam cards, or gift cards. This has got to be stopped! I suffer from PTSD and mental health issues. This guy even tried to promise to buy me a house and that they loved me. Please report this to your local law enforcement as soon as possible.

The person used the following emails: [email protected], [email protected], and more emails to come.
Henry Cavill Imposter
Henry Cavill Imposter
Henry Cavill Imposter
Henry Cavill Imposter


Btw i have PTSD as well. Childhood trauma. Going into therapy for 2 years now. They will all exploit our trauma and heartbreaks and our emotions as women to get to us. Poor grammar is intentional and if you overlook it, they know they have the roght target. Pls, don't fool yourself into thinking a celebrity is in love with you. Scammers are targeting overweight women over 40 with low self-esteem, poor education etc. This are the facts! Celebrities usually have 1 account verified extensively and it's usually under the control of management agencies.

Remember! No celebrity or his representative is going to contact you about meet & greet, vacation or other services in any way. You have to buy tickets online from organizations. And no celebrity or representative with contact you via GMAIL! And without any company information in the bottom of every email. There is no signature, and nothing. You have to contact them as always. Don't be naive. Celebrities have their own dating apps, chats, networks you're not allow to download or use. No celebrity or other person will express love without seeing you in person.

What you should avoid is SCAMMERS who get into the pages of good fans. I have my group and these people are completely prohibited... You must be careful with what you express... There are fake profiles of Henry Cavill and fake representatives of the actor... No fake fan pages and groups... Yes there are groups where there is no type of control... I block imposters' access every day... They insist on entering thinking that my group is the same as the others. Mine is very serious, he has rules... I'm even banning toxic and hater fans.. Those who hate Natalie Viscuso are also BANNED.

Facebook chat, offered a vip card and received an email from [email protected] claiming to be his manager Danny Garcia asking for with a 20% Discount off $500 making it $400, to meet and greet and discount to any other activities with Henry, this imposter has been the best yet and actually almost believed it was him until the vip email, then the penny dropped. I have already reported quite a few imposters to Facebook already, but right now I feel so angry with this person and with myself for being scammed! This has really got to be stopped! I suffer with severe mental health issues this has affected me slightly, just feeling so angry more than anything! He even said he would speak to his own therapist and and try and get me on his patient list!
Henry William Cavill
Henry William Cavill
Henry William Cavill
Henry William Cavill
Henry William Cavill
Henry William Cavill


He fired Dany Garcia two years ago I think it's been. So she has nothing to do with him any more.

Exactly. Yet again no celebrity is going to contact you personally and demand money for services. I've been there, trust me. I learned the hard way. Scammers are targeting women all over the world and exploiting our emotions for money.
Remember, what kind of men or celebrity will ask a women for money?

Start with a very simple conversation. We switched on signal after a while. We chat for a long. Told me he got feeling for me. Going on vacation and want to be with me. Need to contact is team Management to finaly be ask 1550 euro. But on his profil on instagram it is link to Henry cavill official instagram account
Verifiedhenrycavill on instagram
Verifiedhenrycavill on instagram


Lol. This guy used verified logo for his profile picture. I just came to see you guys. Hope you did stop fishing Henry Cavill. It's all a scam. Fake profiles, fake management, fake agents. Report your experience on, have fun. :)

Was contacted by Henry Cavill on Tik Tok.
He stated that he found my comments on tiktok and would like to say Hello.
Ofc I knew it was fake but I was curious and played along. After a week, he said would be on a meet and greet near me and he wanted me to come, but his manager insisted that I had to pay the fee 800 Euro for us to be together 🤣🤣🤣.
He was devastated when I said I would not come 😂😂😂. Because he loved me so much, after 1 week. 🤣.
I can't believe some would fall for that.


Lol. Yes, many heartbroken women fell for it. 😁

Just becareful if there is someone with fans page and told that the create new one just for say hi to random people who being his fans.

And the scam be like romance scam who try to find a soul mate through online.
Scammer message on Instagram first
Scammer message on Instagram first
Scammer message on Instagram first


And why from Henry Cavill self not always warn about this a lot scam? There is a conspiracy or something?

[email protected]

This guy sounds like the real Henry Cavill. Promised me to take care of me. Even buy a house for me. Weird.


Hi, i was chatting with him for months. Check other pages for my report. Cheers

Just crazy what people do these days. It was fun for a while but i have a life to live and I don't have time for games and conversations, long emails etc. I will not go into details because is too much to process. Be careful with this one. Anybody in contact with him?

So for the last two years I was talking to a fake Henry. He would start asking me for me money to secure his role for James Bond role. He had initially asked me for $10,000 and then after that he kept asking me for gift cards to supposedly do work on his laptop. He was very good at impersonating him and at acting at some point as if I was talking to the real Henry Cavill. Until a few months ago I came to realization that they’re were others reporting fake account who used his name to scam fans of money. He had shown me a picture where he supposedly sent me $700,000 from his bank called Westfold bank. But once he sent me the mo he and a few personal items they held it at a company called Swift. He told me that we had to get money because that company was charging me $50,000 fee in charges to send me the mo he he sent me. After realizing it wasn’t making any sense I questioned him and he would get so upset and acted like it hurt him that we were apart and that in order to pay this fee was the only way he would come be with me. He didn’t see any other way out to be with me. He even told me he would get money from other fans to help me pay for the delivery fee. He would send me the money and the. He instructed me how and when to send it. He would ask me to sell my car and anything I had of value to sell and send him money. I now realize he is a biggest fake and scammer I managed to make him confess he worked for an organization before I completely blocked him
Fake Henry Cavill
Fake Henry Cavill
Fake Henry Cavill
Fake Henry Cavill


Good job. Don't fall for it. It's so stupid how they exploit our emotions for money.

It's by google chat?

This person started out nice and then got angry when I refuse to purchase an online steam card. This person has a TikTok account going under Henry.Cavill.


It seems these impostors are obsessed with Henry Cavill lol. I was just followed on Instagram by this account. (henrycavillprtdw) It didn't have a blue logo. Luckily I checked into this because it seemed odd that an actor like this would be talking to me. He said he had read one of my comments and he reaches out to his fans. Thanked me and tried to make me feel special. Once he reached out again after my reply. I thought to myself 🤔. There is no way this actor is still talking to me this late at night while he has a beautiful girlfriend to spend time with. I'm not easily fooled by men in general. I'm perfectly happy single. I'm not sure what this fake account is after because I deleted it before I found out. I looked it up first to see if it was a scam. It must of been. So keep your eyes peeled for this Instagram account (henrycavillprtdw). It seemed way to friendly for someone who has his own life to live. I'm a hudge fan of Henry's but it doesn't mean I want to be with him or give him money from my Instagram bawhaha. As long as we keep getting the word out there. We can all help other women not get scammed. Which is really the most important out of all this. All these poor women getting targeted.


Start with a good conversation, a lot of funny joke. Show proofs of himself. Good realistic proof. But lately i am starting to have doubt. Anyone chat with him ?

• Oct 20, 2023

@marie Rickman message me here. We need to talk. I have been given the name of the "secretary" of his team management... i think they are many of them in charge of that account. Do you have whatsapp ? Did he send you a picture like this one ?

• Oct 18, 2023

I have been even still right now he wants us to meet but ive given too much money and told him can't do it anymore now he has put in extra money and now said he will pay my credit card down so I can get the cash and pay the balance to the board so we can meet Im Leary about this as reading the emails from the board just the way they write there emails are very professional and closing they say CEO really no name or anything? he said if we don't meet it will take awhile to get remimbursed from the board I said I can wait I told him don't end chat till I get my money returned you said you got my back. he did say he will stay on google chat until then

Saucymix have you ever meet him finaly

I started chatting to him recently,he witty and seems very caring wandering if I am okay and if I've eaten!He romantic and loving and dirty sometimes but thats what I love about him,we meeting soon cause he promised me

Destroyer : have you been chatting with him before

Your chatting a professional scammer and imposter,all the proof you have had is been edited and mastered to show it's real.Has he sent you emails,poetry and asked you for money yet,if not he will!
To meet him,or for VIP membership card he claims Natalie viscuso has...
My sound advice screenshot your conversation to warn others post on here and report,block and delete the connection!

I have been chatting with a scammer who pretend to be Henry Cavill. He started away by saying he is in love with me. I played the game. After fews days, he told me he wants me to be is wife and also ask me to open Banks account to sent me money to create a new charity. First time that a svammer ask me to open an bank account. He wanted me to give him all the paperwork while the account is open. Asked access to it by online. I didnt do the account. But why the hell would he want me to open an account that actual wont have money on it ?

This that ever happen to any of you


He asked me for money for his bodyguards and other . I sent him money via bitcoins. I lost more than £3k.


Another day and another message from a fake Henry cavill profile,when is the real actor gonna put a end to this joke!
Scammer and imposter


Another day, another gmail. 🤣 Serious people, businessman, celebrities doesn't use GMAIL. They have their own domain. My friend even showed me and sent me a mail from the president of our country. Everything can be faked online.

This woman claims to work for mr Henry cavill and can arrange meetings with him etc via a VIP Membership card for £350 pounds and extra requested whilst waiting to receive this card!Please do not send any money nor purchase gaming cards to cover the amount Mr Henry Cavill is not coming because it is not him it is a huge SCAM!Report,block,delete.
Henry cavill imposter


This Henry cavill profile is fake it's a fan pretending to be him using his photo,please report and block and delete.Do not send any money here!
Imposter and potential scammer
Imposter and potential scammer
Imposter and potential scammer

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