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Debt Consolidation

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Debt Consolidation Reports & Reviews (23)

- San Diego, CA, USA • Jul 17, 2024

Calling offering debt relief help but couldn't answer where they got my information or what debts they deal with, hung up 3 repeated times when i asked questions.

- King, NC, USA • Jun 13, 2024

This fake company claims to be a debt solutions company that for a small fee, they can consolidate your debt & pay it off which in return will increase your credit score. My 84 yr old grandmother fell victim to this scam & I thought something smelled a little fishy upon researching it. However she’s stubborn & simply doesn’t realize how clever & manipulative these scammers have become. So against my better judgement, I sent the person an email whom she had been in contact with which was a man supposedly named Mike Sanchez at Uniq credit solutions. He requested my grandmothers personal identification like her drivers license & her social so that was emailed to the address he provided. Then once they ‘validated’ her identity, they demanded payment in the amount of $400 & some odd dollars immediately or her account would be in jeopardy & she’d face some type of punishment. I’m sorry I can’t remember exactly what they threatened but it was a threat. So when they began calling her cell nonstop & demanding more $, I knew something wasn’t right and began to thoroughly research this alleged company named Uniq credit solutions & have came to the conclusion that it’s a scam/not a legit company however they seem to have scammed many people thus far. Truly sad that [censored] scammers are stealing from mainly the elderly who are already living on a fixed income barely surviving and so after they have a run in with a scammer who steals $ from them, they’re left in a bad way financially. Shame on them & May they each have in life exactly what they deserve!!

- Kirkland, AZ, USA • Jun 06, 2024

2 months ago a company so called unique credit solutions called me in the month of March of this year telling me that they could help fix my credit and pay off my past delinquent cc for a fee $267.00 a month and right now I am trying to get a hold and am having a problem getting in touch with someone at the company and I can not get a hold of anyone and I can not find there website or anything that would give me a phone#

- Bangor, ME, USA • Nov 09, 2023

Multiple calls from this number from two different people. Offer is for debt consolidation of 80000 to 100000 dollars.

Has been happening for two weeks. Asked multiple times to be removed from list - they continue to call.

SCAM ALERT, Apex is pretending to make payments on our behalf but are benefiting from our payments for financial gain. If you call their main number 1.877.930.2842 it says they are being sued. I entered into an agreement (or so I thought) with Apex processing on 2/2/23 with the understanding that I was paying towards my public service forgiveness loan. They advertised lower payments which was going to be helpful because in the past, the repayment plans tend to be high. I began making my payments to Apex in the amount of $83.10 on 5/4/23, $166.17 on 6/12/23 and 7/5/23 and then $198.82 on 8/4/23. In late July, I was contacted by my loan servicer Mohela, who advised me they were receiving paperwork from Apex to consolidate my loans, however Mohela stated my loan consolidations had been completed by Mohela already and that I did not need to be making any payments based on the law right now. Mohela went on to say, Apex had no affiliation with them and were not making any payments on my behalf and I was advised to stop making payments to them immediately. I called Apex on 7/28/23 and spoke with a person named Michael W who stated he was a manager. He “explained the mix-up” away stating basically Mohela wants me to end our partnership because they want me to pay more once the payment freeze ends and that once it does end, the price I have been paying would be locked in. In early August, (upon also seeing a new & higher payment amount) I called Apex again to have payments stopped and left a voice message. On 8/9/23, I sent an email to Michael requesting to stop payments and received no response. On 8/16/23, I requested the same thing and got no response. On 8/21/23 I called the numbers (main/ Michael W., Lilly G.) and left voice mails. On 8/22/23, I called and requested the same thing and a return phone call, as well as sent Michael an email and received an email kick back. I called Apex main number at 1.877.930.2842 however no one answers the phone and I was prompted to leave a message which I did. I do want to note that Lilly left me a voice mail on 8/16/23, but I never reached her when trying to call her back. Also on this day, I called the main number and Lilly back multiple times with no success. On 8/23/23, I attempted a call to both Lilly and Michael and left messages, emailed both of them and both emails bounced back, called the main number and left a voice message. Sent an email to their main email and received an email kick back as well. At this point, I called my bank and reported what was happening and shut down my debit card. As of filing this report with the on 8/28/23, I called the number for Lilly and it goes straight to VM. I called the main number (noted above) and it says Apex is being sued by the Federal Trade of Commissioners and that business operations have been suspended (I still left a voice message). I also sent one last email; to the main email address, along with Lilly and Michael from a different email then the one I normally use and received kickbacks. I have left numerous messages requesting Apex stop payments and call me back ASAP and have not heard from anyone. To date, no one has called me back regarding my requests. I later took a look at the contract between Apex and I and noted that I never signed it (it is attached). I am requesting all payments are refunded, this appears to be a scam, they got me!!!!

Just appeared as a charge on my bank account. The only thing I can connect it to is I did fill out an application for debt consolidation and then I started getting spammed phone calls and email.

I was contacted and asked for financial information for them to manage a insurmountable debt they did not assist me with that that but continued to debit payments from my account

His name was Gary and he said the Company he works for could get all my credit card paid down to a monthly payment of 306 per month and that i wouldn't be paying intrest anymore, i gave my birthday & last 4 digets of my ss. Now I'm concerned I was scam.

- Dallas, TX, USA

The scammer had my birthdate and social

- Florence, KY, USA

I had 9 accounts with a balance around $32,000 that LPG said they would handle for a price of $421.80/month for 36 months with automatic withdrawal from my checking account. The 36 months ended in February 2023 and on March 05, 2023 I received a Civil Summons from the Boone County District Court. I tried to contact LPG and was told Phoenix Law was handling my case. I contacted Phoenix Law and sent them the summons. I was then contacted by them and was told the fee would be $500 to handle the summons. I paid that on April 20, 2023. The Civil Summons stated that a response was needed within 20 days. I received a Motion For Order of Default Judgement on May 17, 2023 which I sent to Phoenix Law. It stated that there wasn't a response within 20 days!

- Bullhead City, AZ, USA

Called saying he was a debt consolidator, I called Accredited a week ago and decided not to use them, I know they sold my info because I called no one else. He kept talking as I asked what company he was with, he continued to get louder, trying to talk over me, after over half a minute of me repeatedly asking for a company name, he finally stopped and angrily asked "what!' I said, "what company are you from?" and he hung up, prior to this, the number he was calling from showed up repeatedly on my phone, I didn't know it, so I waited for a voicemail, but he never left one, he called so much I finally answered that day, the number is now blocked. Do not trust Accredited, I spoke to Anna there when I called so she is directly connected to my information getting sold, she told me she was working from home so very easy to turn around and hand someone your information, do not answer this number, do not trust Anna or anyone working from home or not for accredited, don't trust accredited, if they can't make money off of you they will just sell your information. scandal alert!

- Aliso Viejo, CA, USA

Reference #: {Ref_#}



Offer Amount: $xx,xxx

Hi ****,

Based on your credit's payment history and due to the recent Fico score changes and interest rate spikes nationwide, you have been pre-approved for a personal program to help reduce and eliminate what you owe to your creditors. There are several loan programs you are eligible for.

To speak to an agent immediately, please call (800) 750-6466.

Please click on the secured link below to view your offer.

Please do not forward or share this link with anyone as it contains confidential information.

???????? ???? ?? ?????????????????? ?????????????????? ??????????????. ?? ?????????? ???? ??????.

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- East Sparta, OH, USA

Took money and provided nothing that was promised. Later found out this debt solution company is owned and operated by a disbarred attorney. Gives/sells your bank info to others for them to take money from your account without your knowledge. This establishment has robbed millions of dollars from desperate individuals looking for help. Despicable!!!

- Chandler, AZ, USA

I have receive several of the same message from different phone numbers over the last few months, structured as an unsolicited loan offer containing my address. The phone number 800-750-6466 is in the text body but when hovering over the link provided, the bare-bones website has a different phone number of 800-203-2066. Claims that they are a federally regulated program and are A Rated on (which they are not).

- Locust Grove, GA, USA

We hired this company to consolidate our debt. However since August of 2022 they have done nothing to help us. They have sold our account/ contract to other companies without warning us or telling us. They are passing mine and my husbands information around so freely and are not doing anything else. We have asked for a refund and I was told NO we would NOT get one and that I needed to deal with them not giving me a refund. I have contacted my bank and they told me they can not fight for our money back. We have talked with several people from the companies and get nothing but a run around. We are tired and would like something to be done to fix this NOT only for us but for the other customers they are screwing over. I was told that they went Bankrupt and we needed to deal. Please help us out.

- Mahaffey, PA, USA

Litigation Practice Group..scammed us out of money,,since August 2019. Took it from our checking account..Then in Feb 2023 after they sold us over to ******** *** *****..which is also a scam..LPG illegally took a payment out in Feb that they should'nt have and so did ********..Atleast LPG did return the money..but ******** was to take care of things from there but didn't. Now what am I to do have a civil suit against me for one of the cards..******** told me on the phone they would send someone locally to help with it..Guess What I"m all alone..they will not return calls or answer there phones..BOTH BUSINNESSES ARE SCAMMERS..WE are senior citizen !!!!

- Phoenix, AZ, USA

called me stating i was approved for a hardship loan up to 51k. then it was hardship relief program. stated i had 20k in debt and my credit score was ___ then wanted me to pay them 376 a month to pay off my debt. however, when i stated i wasnt working they abruptly and rudely hung up. i called back and asked to speak to a supervisor and there wasnt one. then i called back and some kid claimed he was a supervisor but hu8ng up on me when questions got difficult. this is obviously a scam. dont get sucked in.

- Omaha, NE, USA

We were formerly attached to DocPros for debt relief program. They in turn sold to LPG. We have had no settlements made using them and have assigned 3 lawsuits to them to settle. We have been forced to negotiate directly with the companies. LPG did nothing.

Text message received: (with typos and grammar errors as received)

Hi xxxxx,

Everyone in the U.S has been affected by the interest rate spike on all credit cards and personal loans. Payments has increased that has made it impossible to keep up. If you or your family needs helps? There is a federal regulated program that can assist you with these problems and issues. This is an A rated program on the BBB. Everyone that resides in the state of AZ qualified. You will not be disqualified. Again, this is for the individuals who resides in the state ofAZ.

Please click on your secured link below to view your digital mail offer:

Important: Do not share or forward this link to anyone as it contains confidential information

This is a Federal regulated program:

A rated on BBB.

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- Santa Clarita, CA, USA

I contacted them to resolve my credit card debt. They were paying them off, and I would pay $250 a month until it was paid off. I began receiving call from the credit card companies. They were not getting payments

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