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Debt Collector

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Debt Collector Reports & Reviews (34)

- Albert Lea, MN, USA • Oct 03, 2024

Stated an overdue account from a retail store is suing.

I verified in my credit report there is no outstanding account balance and confirmed with that retail store credit company there is no action against me

- Mogadore, OH, USA • Jul 23, 2024

They keep calling my number and threatening me. They say they are giving me a file number then don't.

- Cleveland, OH, USA • Apr 11, 2024

A debt collector called me, they asked for the last 2 numbers of my SSN. They said I owed $600 to a business called Personal Loan USA. They said I paid around $140 so I only owed around $400. I told them I never took out a loan so I do not owe anyone.

- Saint Paul, MN, USA • Mar 26, 2024

They call and leave a message stating my name and home address and request that I call them back to pay an outstanding debt and if I don't they will send it to collections. I have never called back and I don't have any outstanding debt so, I always google the number for legitimacy.

- Decatur, IN, USA • Feb 23, 2024

This lady calls by several numbers saying I had taken out a pay day type loan with EZ Money prior to 2019. They said if I didn't settle immediately, they would take legal action against me & freeze my accounts. I have not taken out any such loan & when I asked them to provide the original documentation stating I haven't received anything prior to this call they just referred back to EZ Money. She knew the last 4 of my SSN, email, place of employment that I left January 2012. I kept asking her questions, which led her to getting very mad & I just hung up on her. After my first initial conversation with her, she called back by a different number left voicemail & said that if they didn’t hear from me before end of day they’d process and take the legal action - but here I am a week later and haven’t received anything except more annoying calls. This place has gone as far as contacting my dad via his cell phone, who didn’t have a cell phone to put on anything then - he did answer and asked the lady what company she was with and she wouldn’t answer, he kept asking questions where she ended up hanging up because she has gotten irate.

- Ruidoso, NM, USA • Jan 03, 2024

Called saying I took out payday loan which I never did. They have also called other family members asking for me.

This company claims to be from a process service dispatch that wanted my mother to pay money they claim was from a credit card. They told me that they are going to summons her to court and put a lien on her house if she doesn't pay them. They are very nasty on the phone which to me in itself was a red flag. They did however have alot of my mother's information, which makes them appear to be trustworthy. Don't fall for it! You Have Been Warned!

My family members and I have been receiving calls over the last week from a phony debt collector threatening to serve us at work or at home with legal papers. My sister called them back and they asked for her personal info, so she hung up.


CASE File No: 2022-FB-TI-1679

Balance Amount: $980.76

Subject: Notice of Legal Proceedings against fraud activity.

Dear Debtor,

This is to notify you and requires your immediate attention. We have tried contacting you on numerous occasions regarding the following unpaid account which is now overdue.

Having checked your Social Security Number through our National Checking Database System, and finding out that you have been never charged for a fraud activity, A.C.E has decided to give you a chance to take care of this issue outside of the Court without you having a report on your Credit History and SSN. In order to avoid a lawsuit of $5865.36 against you, we request you to kindly pay the Court Restitution Amount which is $980.76 if you settle this matter today, you may be entitled to get some percentage of deduction on the restitution amount. You will have to send us a promissory note in order to hold your case file from being sent to the court house. On a case to case basis, you may be given the solution to pay 50-55% of the pending amount in the same month & a 30 days extension to settle the rest of the settlement amount as mutually agreed.

As we were unable to reach you so we are sending you this final notification through email. This legal matter will require your cooperation, so kindly get in touch with the department to make a payment and freeze down this case.

As you are a defaulter on this credit, the following counts are likely to be represented against you at local County Courthouse:




Once the court action is initiated and a Judgment / Decree against you to recover the balance amount with the cost of lawsuit is received, we may need to ask the court to give one of the following order, should the debt remains unpaid:-

Attachment of Earnings base (Earnings Arrestment). Deduction from your wage by your employer or arrestment of part of your salary to satisfy the debt.

Warrant of Execution (Exceptional Attachment Order). Seizure and sale of movable non-essential assets / property by a County Court Bailiff /Sheriff Officer.

Option of Resolvement:-

You can simply resolve this case by paying the amount back to the company by following a legal OCR procedure that’s called Out of Court Resolution/Restitution by simply paying your loan amount with the penalty charges due to delay of payment.

Here is the detail of your personal information that you provided to the company when you applied for the loan which is as follow:

So please take a piece of paper and write down your Case File Number 2022-FB-TI-1679 and second thing since it’s a legal matter you will be need any help or want to resolve this case outside of the court, so please write down to Restitution Department Head at:- [email protected]

NOTE: - IF YOU ACCEPT AN OFFER TO SETTLE, THEN FAIL TO COMPLY WITH ITS TERMS, Judgment in the terms of the accepted offer may be obtained against you on motion to the court, or the action may continue as if there has been no offer to settle [R. 14.06]

NOTE:- IF THIS OFFER TO SETTLE IS NOT ACCEPTED, IT SHALL NOT BE FILED WITH THE COURT OR DISCLOSED to the trial judge until all questions of liability and relief (other than costs) have been determined [R. 14.04]



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BBB Note:  If you feel that you are the victim of a Debt Collection Scam, please contact the Federal Trade Commission to report the company as being in Violation of the Fair Debt Collection Act also review your Credit Report with the 3 credit reporting Agencies, Equifax, Experian, and Transunion to verify any information posted.  

On 8/3/22, Male with foreign accent claims I had a medical bill from 7/2020 that is collections since 8/2021. (There is nothing in collections on my credit report that I monitor regularly). The male tried to pressure me to go to a link Portal.Radisgs.Com and said I would need to enter my information. When I refused and asked more about the Company name he is with, he said I would get the information once I open the link and provide my info. I again refused and another male claiming to be supervisor go on the line, who had the same accent and sounded it was possibly the same person. The alleged supervisor kept trying to pressure me to go the the link saying "If it was me I would pay the bill" (amount of $179.90). The supervisor could not explain why the bill in collections is not on my credit report. I hung up and blocked the number on my phone.

She used my nickname Becky Au. I told her that is not my legal name and I would never borrow money using my nickname. She gave me three references that I gave when applying for the money: my husband my son and my neighbor. I told her I would never use my neighbor as a reference or my son. She said the personal loan was for $600. I told her when I make a personal loan it is for thousands of dollars, not $600. She said she is willing to waive the fees and interest which is $1200 if I pay now for $600. I told her I am not paying anything because I believe she is a scammer. She said one moment and put me on hold for a long time, so I hung up.

I received four calls from them within a minute I called back and they're bringing up a debt that's over 7 years old that I disputed was fraudulent I did research on the company the company does not exist here in Iowa

These people keep calling me at all hours of day and night even after I told them I would report them. They tried to tell me I would be arrested from my home if I didnt pay them for a loan I never took out.

Called to collect on a credit card from HSBC. I've never had that card and I said its not on my credit report, they said it would not be. Never owned an HSBC credit card and none of my current cards are past due or missing any payments.

- Springfield, TN, USA

Contacted me by email, no phone number, no name, saying I owed money. Threatened me with jail time, garnishment, etc. WHen I replied, said it was good I was going to settle this debt. I had no idea. When they asked me to go by a Visa Debit Card and mail to them, I stopped talking to them and said , SCAM

- Madera, CA, USA

Debt collector called nonstop

Still calling said I owe ,

And threatened they would come to my house and take funds out of my

bank account I reported to police they

Knew my name and address

A Spanish speaking woman said her name was Lydia and she was a debt collector. She proceeded to tell my mother that back in 2015/2016 my mom ordered some product that she received and never paid. She told my mom that they had proof that my mom signed and received said product but never paid. They threatened my mom with court and other "legal actions". Said they would take her to court and send immigration! To be clear my mother is a citizen and has been for many years but that's beside the point. They got my mom so worked up that she agreed to just pay the $650 to be left alone. They said that they would send a UPS currier to pick up a money order made out to "Natural" and then the currier would give her "papers" saying that the debt was paid off. When my mother told me this I was very upset and called this Lydia person back. She repeatedly hung up on me, didn't return my calls, and would just not pick up. But like the persisted with my mom I kept calling them back. I finally reached someone. They never gave me their name. The number that I called was 786-471-6490. This lady was also very rude and kept hanging up on me. She finally told me that she would be sending something in writing and that my mother would be summon to some imaginary court proceedings.

Initially it was a woman who contacted me first. The connection was bad. She called again 1 minute later and then transferred me to her supervisor. He spoke with me about a credit card that I once had. The card had been cancelled for some years. The "supervisor" told me my social security number, my birth date, and a few other items I would normally answer yes to. He has made repeated calls to my home and asked for my bank account number and credit card number to settle the case quickly. He refuses to send paper work with account numbers and information as to where to send in a payment. He insists that the only way to take care of the bill is by bank account numbers or credit card/ bank card info. He is very firm and abrasive in his tone as to getting information. I offered to send the payment by way of moneygram or money order and he refused to accept this form of payment and kept insisting that it needs to be paid by bank account or checking account number. He raised his tone when I refused again. He told me that if I did not pay at that moment he would turn the information over to the company in New York. The company in New York would prepare papers to take me to court and then I would have to pay the entire balance plus court cost and fees.

- Wetumpka, AL, USA

Received call from debt collector that said I had an outstanding debt with ATT. This is not a possibility because the service is paid in full each month and have had ATT service for over 15 years without a disconnected service due to none payment. The debt collector wanted my credit card number to resolve this debt and not be taken to court.

On several occasions, I have received phone calls from this number (229) 318-2018 and from a pre-recorded message about my credit card debt and how this was my final notice on the matter. First of all, I don't even have a credit card and I have never had one. Many times I have opted out of receiving messages from this place and still they continue to call me. When you do get in touch with someone, it is a foreign speaking person who you can't understand. Upon asking them questions, they hang up and end the call but when you try to call back, the recording says that the number is no longer in service.

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