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Home Buyers

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Home Buyers Reports & Reviews (19)

Ask for their Business liscense and They quickly hang up. IT Shows they aren't working legally.They need to also update their Do Not Call List and check the registry. You explain your not intreseted and not selling and still you received 7 other calls. What part doesn't sink in?

Every time this business calls, they start with, "This is [insert name] from Home Buyers Inc." Then they ask me if I'm interested in selling my house at xxx xxxxxxxx Each time it's for a different house or different state. They have called me 5 times this week. I've asked them to not call me anymore and was told I would be put on a do not call list but then proceeded to call me again. I block the number they call from but each time they call from a different number. Home Buyers Inc doesn't even have a website or the phone numbers don't come up in a google search. The agent got very agitated when I asked for a number where I could call back on or when I told him I googled the company name and nothing comes up. Accused me of wasting his time and that he would not answer any questions until I answered his.

Dont use this cimpany… They call everyday and I stopped answ the calls. Very rude people cant take no fir an answer. Hareful people!

I'm tired of the calls in trying to buy my home that not even on the market. I wish I could talk to the dude who is in charge of this invasion of privacy. I've registered my number and they still call. Pass a law to stop this.

I forgot the woman’s name. But she asked me if I wanted to sell my house. I told her no. I asked where she was calling from she said Homebuyers Inc. in Florida. I asked how she got my name and number she said it was public record. I asked for her company address and website or email address and she stated I could “Google” their name “Homebuyers Inc.” and it would come up. I told her to take my name off their list and do not ever call me again. Hopefully she won’t. This is the number she called from. 1 (217) 636-9879

A message was left on my phone stating that my mortgage company was processing a foreclosure on my home by August of 2022 and I needed to act fast. If I wanted to sell the house before the foreclosure and get something out of it before they take it. I and 71 years of age and I immediately got scared. Then I started thinking, why would the mortgage company not notify me about this. I called and left a message, I received a call back on 7/4 from a woman at the number 470-826-3500. She confirms this foreclosure info. I started to ask questions like how did she get this information. She stated from my mortgage company. I asked why would my mortgage co. not notify me. She said they probably sent me an email and it may be in my junk mail. I ask what mortgage she has listed for me, she said the one when you purchase the house. I told her I have had 3 mortgage companies since then. She hung up the phone. I called her back on 7/5 and let her know that I am going to report her and the company to the and I am going to go to report them to the media. I let her know that she is praying on senior citizens who are more venerable which I am not. I let her know I may be slow but I am not stupid. Someone needs to address this situation, please. I am sure I am not the only senior they have approach or are they using this on anyone. HELP, please.


They are trying anyone. Like most scammers do. Just be alert and be aware please. Thanks for letting us know your story.

Home Buyers inc is harassing me via telephone calls I have requested they stop calling me yet they continue to do so. I receive calls daily from this business and I would like them to stop harassing me.I have reported these calls to the FTC via the National Do Not Call Registry yet Home Buyers Inc continues to call me. Since the calls are comming from Ohio based numbers and inquiring about an property located in Ohio I filed multiple complaints with the Ohio Attorney General. I have verified my number is on the National Do Not Call Registry and I have mentioned this to every person who calls with this scam.
1-513-596-1871 called Tuesday, March 29th, 2022 at 10:09 AM EST
1-614-964-9950 called Tuesday, March 29th, 2022 at 10:43 AM EST
1-216-412-6707 called Tuesday, March 29th, 2022 at 11:34 AM EST
1-614-953-0638 called Tuesday, March 29th, 2022 at 2:07 PM EST
1-614-963-9161 called Tuesday, March 29th, 2022 at 2:13 PM EST
1-740-762-6001 Texted Tuesday, March 29th, 2022 at 2:20 PM EST
1-740-377-6468 Texted Wednesday, March 30th, 2022 at 9:57 AM EST
1-216-412-6735 called Thursday, March 31th, 2022 at 9:04 AM EST
1-330-752-8219 called Tuesday, April 5th, 2022 at 1:33 PM EST
1-330-482-8296 called Wednesday, April 6th, 2022 at 1:53 PM EST
1-614-716-1000 called Wednesday, April 6th, 2022 at 4:28 PM EST
1-617-308-5890 Texted Thursday, April 7th, 2022 at 10:00 AM EST
1-330-237-1653 called Thursday, April 14th, 2022 at 1:46 PM EST
1-614-739-0899 Texted Monday, May 2rd, 2022 at 3:52 PM EST
1-740-860-4824 called Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022 at 10:20 AM EST
1-980-327-1397 called Saturday, May 7th, 2022 at 10:46 AM EST
1-330-457-6176 called Monday, May 16th, 2022 at 4:48 PM EST
1-740-218-6230 called Monday, May 16th, 2022 at 7:22 PM EST
1-614-924-1461 called Tuesday, May 17th, 2022 at 1:07 PM EST
1-216-532-1515 called Tuesday, May 24th, 2022 at 6:30 PM EST
1-614-957-1010 called Thursday, May 26th, 2022 at 3:19 PM EST
1-419-965-0699 called Friday, May 27th, 2022 at 2:30 PM EST
1-614-660-4422 called Monday, May 30th, 2022 at 5:17 PM EST


Company is using Telnyx ( as a VOIP provider calling on multiple numbers trying to buy houses for cash. Apparently they purchase blocks of number they also have 216-428-2501, 2502 etc. 330-457-6173,6175,6176,6177,6178
If you want to make a difference CALL Telnyx and let them know you are being harassed.

My experience is just like everyone else's here. They call multiple times a day from different phone numbers. They'll even text from different phone numbers. No matter how many times I ask to be taken off their list I keep getting calls. I only see two options.

1) This is an agency that is doing whole sale and they will constantly call till the person wants to sell.

2) This is a scam organization and they are hoping to steal financial information.

Either way I don't think anyone should ever work with them.

calls several times a day, From all different numbers. When asked they say that got my number from homebuyers inc . and ask if I have a property for sell. Can't block the call because the calls come from everyone that looks at homeburers inc.

Always call call. Monday thru Friday.
Multiple area codes never the same scam call center.
What a waste of time. I put their number in auto redial for auto hang up. Usually takes them 2 hours to disconnect thei number. Intercourse them violators.

I have repeatedly asked them to take me off their list and told them repeatedly that Im on the Do Not Call list I receive an average between 2 to 8 calls and texts a day. Even on Easter Sunday and as early as 5am. All are polite until you tell them you are not interested then many hang up or rudely keep pushing on. I will never use this company. They are duplicit in their words and actions

I have been called so many times about a house I do not own that I started writing the numbers down!
This is absolutely ridiculous! The people who call are incredibly rude they refuse to provide info for who they work for unless you trick them and tell them you are interested in selling. How is this legally allowed? I have filed complaints with the Attorney General, The FTC, and BBB trying to get them to stop calling me
I signed up to the Do Not Call List which they clearly do not have any respect for SO enjoy your number up here on the wall of shame for having no class and cold calling people.

1-614-922-9560, 1-614-368-0774, 1-614-347-1286, 1-614-589-7707, 1-614-591-8914, 1-614-450-1613
1-614-408-5602, 1-614-473-4489, 1-614-663-0119, 1-614-921-4830, 1-614-957-2994, 1-614-541-3989
1-614-426-1517, 1-614-942-8964, 1-614-954-8717, 1-614-699-5834, 1-614-524-5165, 1-614-524-4322
1-614-524-5366, 1-614-524-5181, 1-614-956-4009, 1-614-468-3518, 1-614-295-9300, 1-614-686-2837
1-513-436-6619, 1-513-342-2823, 1-513-596-1871, 1-614-964-9950, 1-216-412-6707, 1-614-953-0638
1-614-963-9161, 1-740-762-6001

For those reading this I actually got tired of them calling 6 times in ONE DAY! So I started calling them back to hassle them like they do me and others like me
They eventually blocked my number but not before I got them so upset they started insulting me and one of them actually confirmed they are a scam, a million dollar a year industry as he put it before he called me the F word and hung up.
When they call you just ask for their full name, most of them have Indian or middle eastern accents and will give you names like John smith or Emily black.
You don’t need to proceed further from there. Homebuyers inc is not a real company, it doesn’t exist.

These people call like rabbit dogs, I’ve blocked dozens of their numbers and it doesn’t even slow these vermin down.

If you ask for a supervisor they either hang up on you or say they are out of office and if you ask the bosses name they say they don’t know.

They must have hundreds of callers all over the USA and they also aren’t listed as a business with the Az Corp sec of state office.

Don’t waste your breath on asking to be put on the do not call list, there is none.

Don’t register your phone on the do not call registry because they sell your numbers to charity organizations and the calls to your cell phone actually get worse.

This home buyer calls been going on for 2 years or better with dozens and dozens of calls also the calling numbers are usually busy if called back but on occasion one of these [censored] answers so I say I’m buying homes for cash then I start calling them in hopes of driving these [censored] crazy

This shady so called company probably made the name up.
They call knowing my name so some [censored] is cruising the public records.

If you ask anything like let me speak to a supervisor thru hang up on you and I’ve called back and another scammer answers home buyers.
I’ve blocked dozens of phone numbers and they are relentless and it doesn’t even slow them down.

No company with their name shows up at my state Corp department so that’s another of many red flags.

Lord I wish the cell companies would get this crap handled ASAP.

Oh they always the boss is out of office when asked to be spoken to, they they don’t know their bosses name and hang up on you.

I’ve got a few hours to kill today, I’m going to repeat call these [censored] scammers and drive em crazy just for fun and tie up one line at least as a middle finger back at them

I am starting to call them back non stop. I will tie up their phone line. They would not answer my calls back and would started pushing me to voice mail. After calling them 15 times they answered and knew who was calling and tried to act cool about it. I asked them to stop and put me on their do not call list. If they call my wife's number I will do the same. If they call again I will reach out to someone legally. There has to be a way to make them stop. They are my new hobby and will not stop till the stop. LOL. I am going to have fun with this now. They will suffer.

Repeated calls to sell my home. She's targeting senior citizens. The woman says that she's an agent of Home Buyers real estate agency. I said that we're not interested, ever. Calls every week. I asked how to get her call to stop. She said, "you can't".

Please call her at 805-914-0702 and get her to stop calling. I have an 858 area code.

Thanks so much for your help.

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