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Paradise Kitty

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Paradise Kitty Reports & Reviews (44)

• Jun 27, 2023

You don’t need him

Here’s the free manual

• Jun 27, 2023

Adonis Faciane Asantewa

He has tax liens and got a judgment against him for money owed. Clearly the guy doesn’t like paying people back

• Jun 27, 2023

He also owns a photography business, which not surprisingly has bad yelp reviews and isn’t on Google for a reason, tries to avoid public feedback.


Hello. I cannot reveal my name on here because I am currently trying to protect my identity from the same monster that all of you know all too well… AKA ‘Tommy Gibbs’ (CEO of Paradise Kitty).

I’ve made the personal decision to do everything possible in my power to FIGHT for ALL of you, including myself. Believe me when I say this, JUSTICE CAN AND WILL BE OURS, IF YOU SHARE YOUR STORY.

I know how it feels to be in a very sensitive/vulnerable situation and be in desperate need to find a way out…
That is how all of you (myself included), ended up in this horrible and cruel situation. We were all taken advantage of. We were manipulated, deceived, distracted, coerced, brainwashed, controlled, and emotionally and verbally abused, all for HIS own financial gain. Most of us (if not all of us), NEVER received OUR MONEY that we LAWFULLY WORKED HARD FOR on the platform entitled as ’STREAMATE.COM’. THIS IS ILLEGAL. If 'Tommy Gibbs' ever took ANY percentage out of your earnings without informing you, or if he simply took ALL of your earnings without informing you, and then failed to distribute YOUR EARNINGS back into YOUR possession, this is illegal. I’ve done all of my research and gathered an overwhelming amount of information/evidence. This is also another reason why I am raising awareness and trying to fight for all of us.

If you’re reading this, I need you to know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I am right here for each and every single one of you.

I noticed that some of your stories are months, if not, YEARS old… It breaks my heart that no one fought for all of us. This is why I decided to be the one to STAND UP AND FIGHT for the JUSTICE that we all deserve. I now find myself in the same cruel situation that all of you were once in (or still are in), involving this individual. His actions WILL NOT go unpunished as long as you are willing to share your own personal story/experience that you have encountered with him.

OUR VOICES DESERVE TO BE HEARD. WE DO NOT have to allow this criminal to get away with the horrible (and highly unlawful) actions that he bestowed upon all of us. WE DESERVE JUSTICE.

Everyday that goes by, is another day that this individual continues to do the same exact thing he did to us, to many other young, vulnerable, and innocent women… PLEASE help me STOP ‘Tommy Gibbs’.

I NEED YOUR VOICES and TESTIMONIALS in order to take him down FOR GOOD. Your stories CAN and WILL help take down this criminal. Any information that you choose to share with me WILL BE 100% confidential, safe, and secured. You will not have to worry about anything whatsoever. You are protected. I promise you this.
Here is my contact information: 321-345-1120

Please, I am begging you, DONT BE AFRAID to share your story. Everything about you and your own story will lawfully be 100% confidential. Your privacy and identity WILL also be 100% safe and secured. This is a guarantee. You have NOTHING to be scared or concerned about.

I know the thought of standing up for yourself against an intimidating and evil monster like ‘Tommy Gibbs’, is scary…
And I won’t lie to you, I was also scared. I felt helpless. I felt defeated. I felt weak. I felt worthless. I felt like no one would care about my story. But NONE of that is true. And I hope you no longer feel that way about yourself.

Instead of crying myself to sleep, giving up, and letting this go, I am choosing to be BRAVE for ALL of you.

He deeply hurt, betrayed, and did unimaginable things to me, just like he did to all of you… This is why YOUR VOICES MATTER.

This is no longer about what ‘Tommy Gibbs’ did to me. This is about what he did to ALL of you, and all of the things that he has AND STILL CONTINUES, to get away with for YEARS.

Believe me when I say that your voices have POWER. You are so much stronger than what ‘Tommy Gibbs’ made you to believe.

Please try to trust me. I know it is hard to trust anyone ever again after having been in contact with ‘Tommy Gibbs’. Because that is exactly how I felt after everything that he has done to me. I felt like I couldn’t trust anyone... But it was all part of his manipulation, emotional/verbal abuse, and control tactics. He wanted you to feel worthless and hopeless without him. He wanted you to feel like no one would ever hear your cries for help. But, I HEAR YOU. I’ve read all of your stories. I am right here for you and unlike him, I CARE about YOUR individual experiences because I have a heart.

I truly hope that you can detect my sincerity in this message. I just want to help and fight for all of you because this is what you DESERVE.

WE ARE THE VICTIMS of the highly unlawful actions, verbal, emotional abuse, manipulation, coercion, disrespect, and control tactics of ‘Tommy Gibbs’.

JUSTICE CAN BE OURS IF YOU HELP ME. Please contact my number if you would like to help me take this monster down. All I need is for you to share your stories and TOGETHER CAN END THIS. 321-345-1120

How about instead of slandering a company that was only try to help you webcam model without showing yourself off nude to strangers and regret it later, you take the advice and used it to make money? I’ve dealt with PK in the past and I got my money. I was serious. I didn’t expect anything but advice and I took it from there. I was able to get a new place and be stable under I finished school and got a new job. I hate seeing people that gave the same opportunities complain because they didn’t work it right.

All of the texts I see on here honestly make PK look good not bad. I agree with the message they are trying to teach naive women coming into webcam modeling. I went through the program and loved it. Personally Tommy gave me a sense of pride. He showed me how I can make money online without having to get fully naked online. So many women are on these sites getting paid little to nothing to be online sex slaves. ParadiseKitty shows a different way. I never knew anything about FINDOM but now my life has changed for the better. So, sounds like you just didn’t have what it takes. Tommy can’t make you a success. He can only point you in the right direction. It’s still up to you to put in the work. There’s no such thing as a free lunch. Ladies we don’t have to be victims. We can be treated like a Goddess online and get paid lots of money in the process. It’s not for everyone though. I’m a model that signed up on ParadiseKitty, listened and took direction and now I’m making over $2,000 per week. I’m happy.

You honestly sound disgruntled. I mean it’s a webcam modeling opportunity. There are many sites to choose from. Sounds like Tommy is just about making money and complainers like you don’t know how to take advantage. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Hello lady’s beware Paradise Kitty is a scam please do not work with this company! First of all its being ran by a unprofessional he’s rude and disrespectful if you lady’s did not know but what he really is doing is is basically taking your information you provide him with on his website and is setting up your account on a WebCam website that’s not even his theses websites are totally open and free to anyone you can easily do yourself if you apply directly through the webcam agency website just look up best webcam agencies to work at on. Google☺️ But He basically is getting paid for nothing! When he sets up your account he will add his bank account information on your account and provide you with the login information so you do all the work he get paid and have control not only over you but over your money. If you need any more advice on this please let me know Please don’t fall for these types of companies. I really hope this information was helpful.🥰

And for Tommy if your reading this [censored] you 😂👆🏾


Hello. I am so sorry about what happened to you… I share a similar experience about what has happened to me with this individual. If you could spare some of your time, I would truly appreciate it. I’d like talk more about it because there is something serious that is currently in the works regarding this fraudulent “company”. Here is my contact number (321) 345-1120. Im hoping you will reach out. Your story, information, and privacy WILL be respected and confidential. Have a great day.

hello. i share a similar experience and i would be truly grateful if you could call me at this number: (321) 345-1120
it’s about something serious that is currently in the works regarding this situation.

I’ve heard too many times this guy has ripped girls off, threatened them and acts like a glorified pimp. This is abusive and complete trash. Spread the word and keep this goof from harming more then good.


It’s literally a scam, he’s mentally abusive and an overall [censored]. There’s literally not one testimony of anyone ever getting paid. He will keep telling you to submit proper payperwork but still never pay you.

I thought I was signing up as a model. He trolled me and set me up with streamate under him as a studio and took 15% and I has to fight to get paid. He contacted me to tell me I wasn't working enough hours or doing it right. He got mad when my baby and I got sick and I couldn't go online. He is bad business. I filed complaints to get my money but he scams young naive women, a lit of single moms.


Just started with them yes Tommy is very mean he seemed cool at the time but since then he is coming off like a pimp and I have not been able to get my pay help


Hey this is not me he is a great guy one of my clients stole my phone got me put in jail then posted this to keep me from working sorry for this tommy is a good boss and he helps us out a lot he just doesn’t want us selling ourself short! This is the really Anastasia my account was hacked if u look at the pics you’ll see he wasn’t being rude I have a good respect for him

From what I've seen and read, it looks like you're too lazy and impatient to even work in this type of industry. The man was trying to communicate with you and you are being unprofessional and unreasonable. If you can't take criticism or put in effort into this type of work this is not the right job for you. What, you think everyone is gonna agree with you even though you're very much in the wrong? Grow up.

I just dealt with the same j[censored]! I did get my money, but after I reported him to and contacted him by text. I thought I signed up for but realized he trolled me. I have a new couple account with, and it's going great. I get 35%, not the crappy 20%, and I don't get yelled at for working short hours and being my sexy self.

Hi I recently jump in this business head first not doing my homework. I'm currently with Paradise Kitty but trying to close my account and move on with someone else. I can not get in contact with no one. No emails or phone calls returned. Can someone please help me get away from this company?


Yes I can show you how to get your account deleted with paradise Kitty I just recently deleted my account with his company. I don’t like the way he run business. Here a picture of my account being deleted

Yes are you trying to delete you account?

tommy aka fraud has scammed me out of money….. I am homeless and was using the site to get my own place and he has blocked me… harassed me and suspended my account numerous times … said hurtful dehumanizing words - text me at (321) 325-2825 I have screenshots and proof


He’s a scammer he will never pay you! Please ladies run away from this site and report him as much as you can

As you can see by reading the email exchange all Paradise Kitty asked of this person is to provide them with the dates and amounts that they are saying they are owed and they will GLADLY issue them their payout but instead this person refused and is now trying to lie and misrepresent a great company that has helped so many models.

We have a policy that states "If you feel like you are owed money please tell us the date of the start of the week(s) for the payout(s) in question as well as the dollar amount for each pay period. Please keep in mind that there is a $200 minimum payout that rolls over into the following week(s) until you have generated this required minimum amount."

She refuses to do that simple task as you see in the email.

I am very upset because my earnings aren’t matching up with what the total earnings for the week are tommy is now being rude to me and I still haven’t gotten paid the money I made last week so almost two weeks now and still nothing and I just had surgery


Hey! I’m going through this now kinda. I regret signing up with them, what ended up happening?

I unfortunately learned this the hard way, and I’m going through the same thing. They will not pay me for the service that I provided. I would like to get with other women who’ve experienced this so we can a lawsuit. He needs to be brought down


Hell with paradisekitty site. Tommy the owner/trainer is a wannabe big shot with a big ego. He is rude and thinks he can just act and talk to women like there crap. I do not recommend this webcam site whatsoever- there are plenty of other sites that you can work for and have a great boss too. He even watches you for FREE like a pervert while other guys have to pay? What the hell is that about! He’s a really mean person and his site is crap.. calling you names and just trying to put you down like who in there right mind think that would be ok to do..


Hi can we talk on the phone. I have some questions and I am about to sign up with this agency

I hated working for paradise kitty. It’s a scam. Tommy isant even his real name and he encouraged me to drop out of college to only focus on webcam modeling even when that wasn’t what I wanted to do. He’s emotionally and mentally abusive and watches the girls online for free. He got mad when I put school first and wanted me to put everything aside to focus on something I wanted to do as a hobby. Threatened to suspend my account. And on top of that I still haven’t gotten paid to this day. I worked for him and he refuses to pay you even when you meet with drawl requirements. Don’t make the same mistake I did


Paradise Kitty [censored]ing sucks. The opportunity is posted as flexible, but he will instantly message you if you are off early or if you are taking the night off for personal reasons. He was up in my business WAY too much, and when he harassed me for ending a stream early because I had work the next morning, he was less than understanding. Tommy is toxic, manipulative, and I stopped streaming because I was not about to put up with his bull[censored]. I've been through enough in my life to know how to read the red flags. I deleted my conversations with him because it was causing me anxiety. He was very passive aggressive about me leaving. Seriously, do not work for this company unless you are in to being mentally and emotionally abused. Also, the review by "Angela Banks" sounds very much like it was posted by Tommy himself lmfao.


Yes beware any reviews that sound like he’s a good person are fake and are him under another account. Ladies he will never pay you! All he does is harass you at all times of the day.

Right?! Exactly. Or a scared girl under his reighns. I mean come on.

I’m not sure how long ago this was but I was recently a victim of this guy and I’m looking to build a case to shut down his site. Are you willing to speak out or know anyone that will?

I have a very similar story to the ladies above! I have text messages to show how he communicates, which is awful btw! He suspended my account and now is not paying me the money he owes me. I have a child who got sick and then i got sick, he was in my business way too much, demanding i need to check in with him. I did not sign up for webcam modeling to be harassed thats for sure. I hope other females will come here and realize how manipulative he is. DO NOT DO WORK WITH PARADISE KITTY! RUN FAR FAR AWAY!


I have been told that this is the BEST cam modeling site in the world! I was told that the money I make is mine, but then when I found out via a phone call that the models only take home 20% of what they are supposed to make and the company takes 80% - that's highway robbery! Next I find out that I haven't gotten paid! I understand that they would take a cut, but not 80%! This is also NOT written on the website of the platform that they use to stream! All it says on the website is that the models / performers get a part of the amount, but NOT 20% ONLY.... Next to find out the 80% goes to OTHER models who make the top 5..... so they are using my money to buy gifts and trips to other models.... not fair.....

I didn't work for free and all of the other models are getting paid, so I need my money!

As per what I'm told I'm supposed to get is $434.25 US (this is my 20%), but what I actually want is my full amount that I worked those hours for, which in total comes out to $1,789.32! Not to mention the leg work to get my money, because I haven't yet received any payment from them - so my settlement that I want form them at Paradise Kitty is $2500.00 US for all of this trouble.

I only worked on this site to get extra money to help pay off my debts, but if I had known in advance that they take 80%, I wouldn't have applied to be a model on this site! I found out 2 weeks later (after the date that I started) that the models only get 20% of the pay!

Another thing that I was told is that I could apply for direct deposit, but that's not the case - I was informed then about a wire transfer and that was supposed to happen on Saturday, and it hasn't! So, in lieu to this, I am asking for the full payment in the form of a check of $2500.00 USD so that I can get everything back that I earned! I will never bother them again after this.

The person in contact is Tommy Gibbs - the second number is his cell phone number, and he says that this is his company. I want my money that's owed to me so that I can finish paying what I need to pay.

Do NOT go with this site - they are not honest! They also haven't had me fill out a W4 Form for tax purposes, so he may be doing tax evasion as well. I know in the states they need to provide that.


He’s never going to pay you, it’s a scam

Paradise kitty has refused to pay me my wages is there anyone I can get in touch with who can help address this so I can get paid? Such as a class action lawsuit?


I am going through this right now with this [censored], I would love to be apart of the lawsuit. They will not pay me what is owed to me. This guy Tommy needs to be shut down completely

If you are planning to file a law suit I want to do it with you. I’m having the same problem

Hey! I need help too! he owes me money also! Lets get in touch

They are refusing to pay me what do I do?


He will never pay you! And it’s hard to sue him because Tommy isn’t even his real name. He’s of African descent.

I worked with paradise kitty for about 6 months until I could no longer handle the way Tommy was treating me. I have a toddler and family member with illnesses in whom I care for. Some days due these situations I would be unable to get online. Tommy repetitively would suspend my account, therefore withholding my paychecks. I work another job as well and he would always threaten to ban my account if I did not quit my other job. He would call me all hours of the night, deactivating my account when I would attend to my son in the middle of the night. He is narcissistic and manipulative and tries to make you believe that he is the only one who can advance you in a webcam model career. I finally quit when he cussed me out, and deactivated my account because I was having family over for Christmas and would not be able to stream. I would much rather wait six months and go directly through streammate myself.


Paradise Kitty is a scam. Tommy Gibbs, not his name, does nothing but harrass models and emotional abuses them. His entire website is plagerized from other sources. Many of the things promised are completely fabricated. His “photo shoot” he promises is just using his own camera. He WILL take a large percent out of your pay.

Check fields!

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Paradise Kitty Contacts

Paradise Kitty associated photos:


1100 Peachtree St NE STE 200, 1010, Midtown, Atlanta, GA 30309, USA



This website was reported to be associated with Paradise Kitty.

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